When I first heard it mentioned, getting into Awakening the Sacred Masculine seemed like such a good idea at the time. It was right up my alley, so to speak. There was a quality of being on the forefront of the next 'new thing' like I was being initiated into some cool, elite secret society for guys. I had done a number of men's weekends over the years, always feeling there was some essential element missing in my experience. It was the Sacred I dearly thirsted for ...
By the time I arrived in Sedona in '96, the emerging Goddess movement had already taken firm hold and gathering momentum. It was from this current that Awakening The Sacred Masculine was born.
As with many men who got involved early with our awakening process, regardless of its particular complexions, it's been in the wake of the women in our lives forging the way ahead for themselves, that have spurred us on in our own paths of Self discovery.To be sure, the emerging presence of the Goddess energy on the planet is activating us all to awaken to our Divine potentials now.
It's because of this increase of the Feminine Lifeforce on Earth that thankfully, the evolutionary pendulum swing of consciousness has moved out of the old paradigm patriarchal overlay. Not as a value judgement mind you, however, the way power has been employed, displayed, used and abused throughout recorded history hasn't been so user-friendly for us living from our Heart types. It's been a bitch for men and women alike. No one has escaped the weight of this repression.
I firmly believe we all require role models to out-picture conscious behavior in action. For men to finally access and become familiar with our own conscious feminine natures, we need conscious women to help us get in touch with this essential part of our whole self. If not guided in learning to activate and empower our more receptive, compassionate and nurturing aspects, men have had to follow the lead of evolved women to learn how to do this for and with ourselves. (Up until now, that is.)
In this regard, except for a few exceptional men in my life, most all of my primary teachers and mentors have been women. Good thing too. It's because I've been taken under the wing of the Goddess that I've learned how to face, embrace and forgive my many perceived flaws and weaknesses and it's because I've been shown how unconditional Love feels that I've come to Love my self, no matter what.
I may not always like what I see in me and yet, I no longer beat myself up for being how I am. Believe me, it has taken nearly this entire lifetime to finally hold my self in deep respect, care and self-Love. And it is because of the conscious, strong and empowered women in my life that this is so.
If not for the enormous patience, persistence and incredible Soul calling in their own lives, agreeing to hold and carry the flame of emerging consciousness for us all, that I am so many men are now coming into our power. We are indeed in this together and we all get to Heaven through eac hother's open Hearts.
... to be continued ...
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