Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Awakening The Sacred Masculine At The Turning Of The Ages cont.

In order to safely rest in our open Hearts, all of the fear-based defense mechanisms we have acquired over our life time have to be dismantled, transformed and released. As we transform our belief systems based on our past conditioning, the trauma dramas of our lives will  lessen.  When the struggle decreases within ourselves and the dust settles from our pain body becoming  more and more clear, what remains in our open Heartspace.

This is always the doorway to our Soul, the pathway to the Sacred.
Only by doing the self-healing work necessary to clear our personal woundology, will we come to live from our open Heartspace.

Transforming The Shadow

An essential requirement in a man´s awakening to the Sacred within himself, demands he successfully face, embrace and transform his Shadow self. Like the metaphoric and mythological hero’s quest of the great characters in history and literature, of those who faced and overcame great odds to reach their intended goal, for a man to embody the Sacred in his life, he will have to transform and integrate this part of himself.

His Shadow contains all of his unconscious and unfulfilled ego drives and hidden agendas
that unless consciously transformed, largely run his life and if left unchecked, will ruin him and all he holds dear. In calling up these parts of himself, he has to be willing to encounter all the places within himself that he believes his Shadow is more powerful than he.
To successfully transform his Shadow, he will have to attend to the vast reservoirs of his accumulated and unprocessed anger, fear, pain. shame and self doubt. He will have to encounter and transform his personal addictions, in whatever forms, to pass through these dragons guarding the gates to his self-empowerment.

As he clears, heals and transforms the pull his addictions have over him, his conflict with himself no longer runs his life. In this regard, he has come off the battlefield within himself, ceasing to struggle against himself and those in his world. Perhaps most important, he will have learned to forgive himself for all that he is and all he is not. In doing this, he no longer blames the world and all in it, for not meeting his emotional needs he alone is responsible for. 

The passages through my own Shadowlands, past the ever vigilant sentries guarding the gates, required that I open all the too many locked doors of my denied, repressed and unprocessed emotional storehouses. And there have been many. This is where the ghosts of my anger, fear, pain. shame and self doubt have hidden away. Once I finally chose to do this, I slowly began transforming and releasing the power these troubled spirits had over me.

The price of passage into the land of the Awakened Sacred Masculine has been paid (and remains the currency) through meeting, embracing these parts of myself and always in every way, completely forgiving myself. What has emerged in these often difficult moments, is my own Sacred Self, free and  finally clear.

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