Over these past many years I've called in the Sacred Masculine into my life, hoping to someday embody the Beloved's Presence in and throughout all of my self. I admit, I had a grand idea of just how Spiritually cool this would be, to be amongst the first awakening wave of conscious men upon the planet now.
I called us the New Millennium Men, believing it was immanent that more and more of us guys would be awakening to our Sacred purpose, following through on our Soul agreements to step up and stand forth in these potent and turbulent times. Hey, you gotta have a dream ...
And I believed it in part, began with me. Of course for me, it did. However, this whole 'Sacred' business is a most incessant mistress of a task master - only our very best will do. Over the years I've often felt incredibly burdened down by the weight of my Heartfelt pronouncements to champion the Awakening Sacred Masculine. It has been in the bright light of my often ceremonially decreed intention to do just this that all of my ego personality's flaws have shown most darkly.
This awakening process has exemplified the truth that the brighter the light, the darker the Shadow - that as I continued to call in more strength. compassion and Love into my life, all that this was not got flushed up to the surface within me to be attended to. Ouch. Who designs this to be this way anyway? It must be God to think of such a thing.
I once saw in a meditation that as Spirits we progressively move out from our Source Self, spiraling out into form and experience. All of the neighborhoods we spiral through as we experience the myriad temporal realities on our Soul's journey are the very ones we have pass back through on our way back into our Source consciousness. Like a box canyon you ride into, you hit the back wall or pivot point and have to retrace your steps to get back out again.
It became clear to me early on, like right after I completed my initiatory nine month Awakening the Priest Process, that I had a whole lot more shit stored in my dungeon catacombs than I'd previously believed. In fact, it was when I was asked to assist my teacher in co-creating and holding Sacred space for others that the real avalanche began a fresh in my life. To place myself before others and proclaim the essential truths in becoming Whole again meant I first had to walk the walk way before I could convencingly talk the talk. Big Time!
... to be continued ...
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