Once the wave of evolution began rolling, there was just no stopping it. As women continued to redefine their sense of self identity by creating a very different expression of the modern feminine archetype, it created a vacuum in the energetic relationship structure for us men as well. As a result of this cataclysmic shift in the collective relationship container, all within went into varying degrees of chaos. And this is a good thing - for indeed, breakthrough only comes after breakdown.
Woman's lib and the many woman's empowerment movements blooming throughout the 1970's began catching the eye of the popular media and entertainment industry. Magazines like Cosmopolitan and Ms. told and showed woman how to become more independent, personally aware and self empowered, albeit from different perspectives. Women became a high profile demographic resource and profitable marketable force that were specifically catered to by the media, just as men´s interests had always been.
In recent decades within the professional arena, women have made steady progress, advancing into the corporate structures of big business, nearly equaling the playing field between men and woman. As unbelievable as it is to have an African American President in the United States, the thought of a woman running for the highest political office in the country is even more outrageous.
In recent decades within the professional arena, women have made steady progress, advancing into the corporate structures of big business, nearly equaling the playing field between men and woman. As unbelievable as it is to have an African American President in the United States, the thought of a woman running for the highest political office in the country is even more outrageous.
With all the significant shifts on all levels having happened for woman, where has this left men? For many of us, very confused. The deeply embedded, DNA based unquestioned understanding between men and women, having been unchallenged for perhaps forever, suddenly changed, throwing all the assumed social structures into chaos and eventual breakdown.
Profoundly enough, the same Lifeforce that is igniting, awakening and empowering women, is occurring in men as well. This consciousness of change is growing within men in largely unacknowledged parts of ourselves, our feminine natures. The quickening underway is a catalytic force causing men to awaken to our more balanced and harmonious sense of self. This only occurs when we acknowledge, honor and embrace the apparent opposite or rather, complimentary qualities of our feminine nature.
Profoundly enough, the same Lifeforce that is igniting, awakening and empowering women, is occurring in men as well. This consciousness of change is growing within men in largely unacknowledged parts of ourselves, our feminine natures. The quickening underway is a catalytic force causing men to awaken to our more balanced and harmonious sense of self. This only occurs when we acknowledge, honor and embrace the apparent opposite or rather, complimentary qualities of our feminine nature.
For many men, this part of our whole self, remains largely unexplored territory if not an unsolvable mystery. For many men, this is the internal battleground within ourselves we have never been able to leave. By continuing to struggle with this essential part of ourselves, we continue creating conflict in our lives. The world as we know it, is a direct expression of this fundamental struggle.
Surely it is time to heal these core wounds, to face, embrace, release and transform our individual and collective pain and come to a place in our lives where we are able to Love our selves and each other, once and for all. In hard cold truth, we will not survive on our Earth unless we do.
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