Sunday, October 14, 2012

Awakening The Sacred Masculine At The Turning Of the Ages

Why Does A Man Call The Sacred Into His Life?
I believe it all comes down a process of elimination that brings a man back to the Sacred within himself. On the evolutionary Soul treadmill and in the most simplest of terms, he has simply run out of road. In the long progression of the Soul’s growth through human reincarnation and the experiences accrued along Its long journey away from, then back into Source consciousness, we all end up where we began. In God as God.
Like the Big Bang Theory - where the eternal wave in and wave out motion, much like our respiration breathing cycle, expands out from a central point over eons of time, then returns back again. Imagine a spiral of consciousness moving out over an eternity of time, reaching a pivot point, changing directions, then spinning back towards it's source again.

A well-seasoned Soul spirit, living over and over again in human form, while wearing all the costumes of its many roles played, eventually reaches this turn-around point.
Slowly and surely, it begins taking off all the various human disguises worn, gathered over many lifetimes on Earth.
The very process of pealing off the accumulated layers of karmic overlays, like finally removing all the many energetic and karmic imprints upon a Soul, is the alchemical and shamanic journey of Awakening to the Sacred within us all.
When a man has exhausted all his options of interest, having played all the roles along the way and removed all the disguises worn, what remains is his Spiritual Presence. His Soul. This is his core Self, his very Divine Essence, after all.
How a man's level of consciousness is determined is seen in how attracted or rather caught up he is in the myriad trappings the external world offers. Is he still caught up in the drive to attain more money, more possessions, more sex, more stimulation? More more, always more ...  
We live in the most powerful Turning of The Ages, a time when significant time-lines are ending and new ones, beginning. We as Souls are being called to make an assessment of just how far we have come and how much we have grown at the end of this epoch of time.
This current life time is the culmination and examination of our individual and collective Earth experiences. It's as if it's final exam time at the end of a very, very long school year. We all get to see how far we have come, how much we have learned and how well we have done while living here on Earth. As souls in Human form, we will finally come to know how much we have actually evolved.
This is the prophesied time of potential mass awakening upon this planet and men having played such a fundamental part in getting here as a species, are primary players and half of the whole of humanity in potentially getting us through this 2012 Gateway.

In order for men to now positively and proactively assist in this evolutionary process, we have to align with the Sacred within ourselves and embody the Awakened Sacred Masculine in our lives.

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