Friday, October 19, 2012

Awakening the Sacred Masculine At the Turning Of the Ages

When I began the Awakening The Priest Process in 1997 the whole idea of calling in the Sacred Masculine had a nice ring to it, Spiritually speaking. It fit so snugly into the New Age scene so rampant in Sedona and appealed to the part of me that desired to continue evolving into a better me. I'd moved to AZ from Asheville NC in 1996 to study Advanced Energy Healing with Dr. Robert Jaffe MD who had his School of Energy Mastery healing school there.

Upon hearing Nicole Christene speak about awakening the Sacred Feminine & Masculine during her into evening in Sedona in 1997, I was immediately entranced with the notion of awakening the Sacred within me, especially regarding my masculine nature. I'd attended a number of 'mens weekends' while living in Asheville and left them wanting more - more ... of the Sacred.

I'd begun formal meditation when I was 13 yrs young, following Guru Maharaj Ji, receiving Knowledge in 1972. The four meditation techniques he imparted (his lineage's 'Knowledge') were profound pathways to the Divine that opened up a vast yet strangely familiar Universe within me. It felt like I'd returned Home and took to the ashram life in my neighborhood like it was second nature - or really my primary one.

Growing up in Chicago's South side in the '60's was quite a parallax view for a white boy and a wonderful introductory education in my present Life School education. My 'hood (Hyde Park) was the only successfully integrated neighborhood in all Chicago back then, an incredibly racist town with very little tolerance with the whole Civil Rights movement. That an ashram should set up for business there somehow fit in unnoticed during those remarkable times ...

As a quick aside regarding that time in my life - growing up largely a minority (talk about upside in, down side out) and getting my ass kicked for being white, I quickly learned that of all the nearly endless differences between us peoples, the Heartspace is always our common meeting place. Along with being a gifted athlete (huge street cred.), I was a natural leader who could easily relate to just about anyone on the ball field or school yard.

In short: I could connect. Of all the things I learned back then, it's been this ability that has served me best throughout my life. Big time. Looking back, I recognize the Sacred playing out and showing up in me in how I related to kids who grew up in vastly different home environments and ghetto neighborhoods near by. I was told my parents couldn't understand me when I spoke up until I was nearly 12. Getting along, speaking our language and fitting in with my school mates was far preferable to getting beat up, believe me. Hey, you gotta blend ...

The eternal truth that Unity consciousness is the inclusion of differences was 100% right on back then ... as is totally the Truth now as well. The Divine is found in the most common place displays of our humanness. It's perhaps most intimately expressed in one's ability to either get or not get along with each other in life that speaks most obviously of our own Spiritual development.

... to be continued ...

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