Thursday, October 11, 2012

Awakening The Sacred Masculine At The Turning Of The Ages cont.

Within a man who embodies the Awakened Sacred Masculine, there is a holistic integration in his intimate sense of self. Historically, for the most part, there has always been a split and most often conflict between the opposing natures within men. In the Awakened Sacred Masculine, these forces are recognized as completely complementary qualities that are  synergistically and harmoniously joined. In short, he has found the living treasure of his feminine nature as an essential source of his comfort, intuition, wisdom, compassion and strength.
For the awakening process to fully manifest the Sacred Masculine within a man, this understanding is of paramount importance and nothing less than mandatory. In short, accessing and empowering his relationship with his inner feminine nature holds the key to his awakening process. For him to arrive here, he will have healed the long-standing, separation issues between his feminine and masculine natures - where these separate halves of his whole self not only support each other - they nurture and depend upon each other. 
However a man accesses his Soul awareness and tunes into the Lifeforce consciousness flowing through this connection, it is a fundamental pathway that allows him to raise his own awareness to vibrate with the Sacred. This living connection with the wisdom of his Soul is the only place his deepest peace resides.
I have found that a consistent and committed spiritual practice, whether meditation, prayer, chanting or a combination of these and other devotions, is always an essential element for any man who carries a higher vibration in his life.
These time-tested forms of worship of the Divine creates the energetic integrity for the Sacred to flow into him. From this primary awareness, he knows he is a co-creator with the Divine in his life. By asking for the support of the Universal assistance always available to him, it allows him to move through his days and his life with much more effortless grace and ease.

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