How Do Men Embody The Sacred?
The Sacred lives in and through our open Hearts. Men embody the Sacred by consciously living from our open Heartspace, by connecting into our Soul stream and resting in the present moment as often as possible. However the methods used to attune to one´s Soul, this living Lifeforce is continuously flowing through us, with each and every breath we breathe. Our Soul stream is the energetic pathway that connects us to our higher Spiritual essence. This is called living in our Verticality.
To better illustrate, imagine standing under a cascading shower or waterfall of living Light that originates in the Heart of God. It eternally flows down our central Chakra channel or vertical power current enveloping, cleansing and rinsing through all of our energy bodies, passing out into the Earth below, flowing all the way down to the core of the planet, immediately beneath you.
This flowing column of Lifeforce extends straight up through your upper Chakras into your Soul body, connecting you to your Source Consciousness. When you tap into this stream of awareness, your Soul´s wisdom, strength and insight begins filling your life. Interestingly enough, this flowing, living current of energy looks just like the Star Treck's 'beam me up Scotty' golden twinkly tube of Light, surrounding you completely.
Using this visualization, along with being mindful of your breath, can greatly help you attune to the more subtle awareness's of your Soul. By consciously connecting and resting in your Soul stream, your life begins to lighten up and take on the more refined qualities of your Divine Essence - those of Love, compassion, understanding and forgiveness. And this is a very god thing.
Using this visualization, along with being mindful of your breath, can greatly help you attune to the more subtle awareness's of your Soul. By consciously connecting and resting in your Soul stream, your life begins to lighten up and take on the more refined qualities of your Divine Essence - those of Love, compassion, understanding and forgiveness. And this is a very god thing.
However a man accesses his Soul stream and tunes into the Lifeforce consciousness flowing through him, it is a fundamental pathway that allows him to raise his awareness to vibrate with the Sacred. His connection with the wisdom of his Soul, is the only place his deepest peace resides. All the qualities that are associated with the Divine, live here within his Soul stream.
With whatever form of meditation you use, however you bring yourself to this present moment - here and now, you come into the only place where your life actually takes place. Life only lives Here and Spirit only exists Now, in this present moment. Only here and now can you consciously access your Spiritual strength, wisdom and insight and connect with the vast energetic support always available to assists you in your life, not to mention in your healing process.
With whatever form of meditation you use, however you bring yourself to this present moment - here and now, you come into the only place where your life actually takes place. Life only lives Here and Spirit only exists Now, in this present moment. Only here and now can you consciously access your Spiritual strength, wisdom and insight and connect with the vast energetic support always available to assists you in your life, not to mention in your healing process.
This Spiritual resource and support is 100% necessary when it comes to moving through, transforming and healing the accumulation of karmic patterns and negative energetic blockages you have built up over time. Not only can´t you do the often enormous task of self-healing alone, you're not supposed to. As understatements go, we really do need all the help we can get in supporting us through our healing process.
When you willingly avail yourself to the Universe's Grace by opening up and receiving all the energetic assistance and support, always and only for your highest and greatest good, you automatically attract those people and circumstances into your life that are able to help you grow and evolve.
When you willingly avail yourself to the Universe's Grace by opening up and receiving all the energetic assistance and support, always and only for your highest and greatest good, you automatically attract those people and circumstances into your life that are able to help you grow and evolve.
We all need assistance and support in transforming our personal life stories, which are most often adversely affected by unresolved and unhealed feelings, woundings or memories from our past.
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