The Universe is a living, evolving consciousness. On the most fundamental level, all things within it, ourselves included, are expressions of this expanding consciousness. Because the Universe ultimately seeks to be more conscious of Itself, our thoughts, emotions and actions are always clear displays of who we are and where we are in this process of our personal growth and evolution.
As most often the case, people only evolve when we are forced to, feeling we have no choice but to do so. Pain, after all, is the most effective motivator in forcing us to grow.
For many of us, breakthrough only comes after breakdown. Whether it´s from the ´no pain, no gain´ school of tough love, we humans only get on with our personal growth when it becomes too painful to remain where we are. Said another way from the Alcoholics Anonymous perspective, we can only begin moving up, when we totally hit bottom. From my life's rich experience, this has been so for me.
The twisted, distorted and convoluted information stream a man receives from his Shadow has consistently created the enormous use and abuse of power we see displayed in the world around us. On virtually all levels of human experience upon our planet, from the ecological, the societal, the financial, the Spiritual - you name it, the overall breakdown playing out before us in the 2012 Gateway - the Turning Of The Ages - is forcing us all to take a much closer look at our core values and priorities.
In relationship terms, the drama trauma dance between men and women has been created because we've long been feeding into our individual and collective Shadows. In this regard historically speaking, the unawakened masculine persona directly plays out in how we treat the women in our lives. This of course, is an intimate reflection of how we have come to treat our own feminine nature. Most often, pretty shabby
As we transform and master our own Shadow self, we become more conscious and supportive of the feminine aspects within ourselves and in turn, with the women in our lives. The harmony that results is because we're no longer in conflict within ourselves and no longer fighting upon the battlefields of our own own psyches. By doing this fundamental self-healing, we will no longer project our pain body on those in our lives.
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