Friday, November 30, 2012

Only When You Give It All Will You Get It All

Commitment. The big C word. The push inside the force that drives us on, through thick, through thin when there is no thankful reason to keep going on. Except you have to because 1) you can't stop now, having invested way too much and 2) there really is no other choice but to push on through because what forced you to progress in the first place hasn't gone away. No, there is no turning back. Sorry. Goodness knows, anyone who is anyone who has achieved anything of value or worth in their lives has had to endeavor to persevere to reach their intended goal.

When it comes it raising your consciousness, this really applies, big time. The action of awakening the Sacred in your self is nothing if not raising your awareness from the densified depths of your temporal  reality to the more rarefied heights of your Spiritual essential nature. And it ain't so easy - because if it was, a lot more of us would be really happy already.

When it comes to moving houses for instance, the time required, the effort necessary, the amount of energy expended to go through your accumulates stuff to then see if you want to haul it along to the next place you live is considerable. And yet, to make the move into another place of residence, you have to leave where you've been. In retrospect, I've learned to do what I want to do having done things I never want to do again. I've evolved and moved along if only because I couldn't bare living in the suffering I knew too well.

When it comes to raising your awareness from the more densified depths of your temporal consciousness (with all the accumulated stuff therein), to then shift up the spiral to the more rarefied heights of your essentially Spiritual nature, takes a whole lot more day in day out determination than you can possible imagine. The reason is because if you could imagine the amount of Soul searching trench work needed, you wouldn't get out of bed ...

I was given this nugget of wisdom many years ago from a wonderful man I studied with in Sedona. I had signed up for a session with him and upon his request, had written 5 questions ahead of time to ask when he was hooked up to his higher guidance. After carefully preparing the list of important things I wanted answers to, the very first thing out of his mouth was just this - Only when you give it all Keith will you get it all ... and instantly dropped the paper onto the floor.

What else is there to say? and now I'm gonna ask when I'll be successful, happy in relationship with my one and only Soul mate, what? It caught me right between the eyes in it's utter zen like simplicity and directness. There have been few moments since that whenever in the pit of the parastalsic squeeze, sharp in the turn of the learning curve of trying to awaken that I haven't reflected back on that insight ... and felt the enormous weight of knowing I really didn't have it in me after all to get my ass all the way Home.

Over the years, there have been countless times when I felt the albatross around my neck of the commitment I'd made to Awaken The Sacred Masculine that I prayed to loose the beast of my Spiritual density, once and for all. I've found Spirit has a ridiculously long memory and holds us puny Humans to the magnificence of our true nature - which by golly, is to awaken fully and now to fully embody the shine of our Souls for all to see.

My wizened advice is you better want this prize more than anything else in this world because once on the treadmill of awakening, YOU CAN NEVER GET OFF. Never. That's the sneaky fine print to the consciousness contract. You buy the entire farm when you sign up to go the distance. Good luck, you're gonna need it. The good news is you have all the Grace in the Universe supporting you along the way.

... to be continued ...

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