Sunday, November 18, 2012

You Just Have To Pray

I was on a radio interview the other day and when asked what someone in their Dark Night of The Soul passage could do to pull themselves through, the first thing that popped into my head - was pray. To quote Einstein: a mind can't figure out the solution to a problem that that mind created. You have to go to another source of insight, above beyond and away with hopefully a greater field of awareness to get your answers.

Aside from the Middle Ages hokus pokus of modern psychology and the all too heavy reliance of medication ingestion to solve/squelch & stuff our most difficult emotions - so messy, aren't they? The only way out is through. Sorry about that folks. If only there was an easier way ... and alas, there isn't. However, there is a simpler one. And for this cure, you gotta go to God or Holy Spirit or The Beloved or Source Creator or whatever you need to call the greater part of WHAT YOU ARE.

It actually is this simple although not so easy -, you just have to want it more than anything else.
Yet how to do this simple thing? Breathe Be present Get into your body and come to rest in your Heartspace ... here you will feel this very precious moment unfolding, Here & Now - as if it were the only moment you will ever be alive ... and in fact, it really is.

For this reason, the Heart Chakra is called The Grand Crucible of Transformation and for good measure, The Golden Doorway Home. This Sacred place is the fusion point, merging Heaven & Earth, Spirit & Flesh. It is only here We Are All One.

Yes, to be sure for all us stuffed full of shit types, of which I was definitely one, there is a fair amount of emotive healing work necessary to do in order to get through the mine and mind fields. To crack into and crack apart the enormous amount of repressed and unprocessed blocked energy trapped within us (certainly most of us guys would fit this description), you really do need a qualified ally to walk this walk. In my experience, you will need someone who has themselves walked through their own Shadowlands and come out intact, in truth, better for it

Believe me, the difference between someone who speaks from the depths of their struggle survived, conquered and embraced and not the fluffy New Age party line is all the difference you'll ever need. And yet, you'll have to face your Shadow on your own - and you can't do it all alone.

Us men have a real hard time with this one. I don't know about the next guy but personally speaking, I was real hesitant to feel my feelings and break down and cry in front of others, let me tell you. When I first went to healing school in '96, I found it impossible to let others see me feel the real funky stuff I'd kept inside for like forever. I mean the darkness I'd been holding on for all of my life. This was the crusty, emotional salt block monster that was way bigger than I though I ever was that caused me - once I was Blessed enough to actually get in touch with it - to double clutch sob with snot coming out of my nose kinda crying. Man, what a sight.

No way, I was gonna let someone else see me in this state - how embarrassing! And yet, this was a huge passage for me and the ticket of admission to the temple of my deepest healing. I had to be willing to first feel this shit and then reveal it for others to witness. To transform it, I couldn't keep holding on to it, keeping it out of the light of day, keeping it hidden inside hoping no one else could see my pain (they could), believing they would turn away if they saw me this weak (they didn't) and remaining stuck in my Shadow abyss for all time more. Sorry, been there done that and the T shirt didn't fit anyway.

Most of us walking around haven't gone here yet.
And to get Home in this life, you will most probably have to.
And I can help.

... to be continued ...

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