Friday, November 9, 2012

As Above So Below, As Within So Without

To finally become complete and whole in your human experience you will have to embrace the apparent opposites within you and your world to arrive safely Home. Ah, the every present Divine Principle Of paradox. As in - only when you embrace your darkest Shadow does your deepest Light reveal Itself in you. Tricky stuff, this Awakening business, isn't it?

Actually, it's just a wee bit bigger than out human minds, emotions and most of all egos can grasp. And that's the point. If it were so easy, our world would already the place we all long to live on and the affairs of this world would be fully imbued with the Presence of The Beloved consciously living through each of us. Hey, you gotta have a Dream.

This thing about being a Spirit having a Human experience, not a Human having a Spiritual one is that the Essence of all of us is in every way Divine and yet, to live here with any semblance of mastery (defined by a more often than not, living current of Love and joy running through us day in day out), the two opposite elements of our 'reality' have to be seamlessly blended and merged together. As in Being One.

Sounds good on paper and obviously, easier said than done. And from my sense of It All, the reason why I am here in the first place, is to embody my Diving Essence, here and now in my Human body. For me, the whole magic of living in Sacred Union is the paradise world within that is created when I face and embrace the parts of me I've always tried to hide from the light of my conscious awareness. This is my Shadow and within it lie the wellsprings of my hidden personal power ... Ironic, yes? These are the parts of my self I've always held against myself and just knew that if anyone ever saw them, I would be shunned forever ...

These are the parts of me I've especially wished and tried to hide from God, knowing It wouldn't possibly Love me if It knew about all this funky shit in me. From this place of my chronic woundedness, my all too big sweaty and stinky pain body and huge lack of self-worth - it are these very dark spaces in me that in my inability to, up until now, embrace all of me in my own unconditional Love, that I've long held distance between me 'Keith' and the God I Am.

It was in believing the mythical and archetypal lie that 'Original Sin' was in any way shape or form true that caused me to believe I had to in turn, punish myself to earn God's Love once again. For me, it's been a long standing Soul debt with a very stiff price to keep paying, life time over an over again (talk about endless karmic balloon pavements) that is the gauntlet I have placed down on the battlefield within myself that has allowed Keith to leave the war zones in my life.
And this is exactly what each and everyone of has to eventually face, embrace and bring back into our empowered Heartspaces to finally return Home within our Self. This indeed is the precious price of admission to The Show ...

... to be continued ...

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