Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Vertical Power Current

The Vertical Power Current - it's like sitting, standing and living in a flowing column of living Lightforce. This is your Soul Stream that always connects you to your Source, to the Beloved, to God. As I continue calling the Sacred into my life, I have learned to bathe my Being in this eternally renewable waterfall and shower of Lifeforce. This feeds me on all levels and fills me with the Sacred of my Self, breath in breath out.

It is here I feel the embrace of Spirit holding and embracing me as I go about my days here on Earth, currently rockin' and rollin' in NYC. It is only within my Soul Stream that I always feel the visceral, gut-level knowingness that I am an extension and expression of the Divine in my world. It is in this conscious awareness I continue awakening the Sacred Masculine throughout my self.

This is called living in your Verticality or Vertical Power Current.

Coming back to the point of your Sacred reference, just how do you connect to the Sacred in your life? How exactly do you align with the reality of your Being? There are so many time-tested ways to do this, all having their value and usefulness. One of the primary things I encourage those I work with is to find your own way to connect to the Sacred, in your self, in your body and your lives.

During meditation and invocations, I Love the lofty high powered visualizations, calling in the plenitudes of Ascended Beings, Angels and such, however, I need to feel it activate in my body to know It's really real. I have to feel it alive in me as me.  

To Awaken The Sacred in you, you will eventually have to embody It - again, breath in breath out.

Make your connection personal if not instinctual and to be sure, make it readily available because this is the way you'll have to call It in when things go crazy in you and around you during these times - The Turning Of The Ages.

Unless a man has his internal guidance system always up and running, open and available to hold and guide him, he will habitually resort to the way so many people attempt to navigate through their lives, from the sign post markers out in the world. And this is clearly very risky in not unhealthy business, through and through.

From an energy anatomy standpoint, along with the 7 major Chakras contained within your body, ethericlly speaking, this stacked column of energy centers extend way above your head and below your feet as well. The 8th Chakra, 18 inches directly above your head is also called your Soul Star and is the access point into your Etheric or Ka body. (More on this in later updates ...)

The Chakra below your feet, always 18 inches below the point on the Earth you presently are, regardless of how high off the surface you happen to be, is called your Earth Star. Essentially, these points are the North-South axis connection points that hold you as a Spirit in human form. Another way to reference them is as negative and positive terminal ends of a battery. Both are essential conductor points that create the current of Lifeforce flowing through you, keeping you alive on Earth.

When you learn to access and engage these opposite yet complimentary aspects of your energy body, the sense of living in your Verticality or Vertical Power Current is consciously activated. For me, this awareness empowers my 'living in the world but not of it' more and more. I don't know about you but from my vantage point, at least here in NYC, this feels like a very good thing these days.

I've spent so much of my life looking outside myself for the answers I needed in all the times I felt lost and confused. Having been raised with a very shaky belief in myself and my own internal sense of self guidance from the git-go, I, like all the rest of us, was essentially trained by the nature of the temporal world to seek my truth from external sources. Needless to say, I rarely to never really got the feeling I was getting a clean read in the bargain.

Not unlike, for instance, the sense more and more of us (thank God) are getting from the political circus taking place in America - do you really believe what you are being told and what is being said to be the truth? I hope not! Having grown up in the 1960's with all the insanity, assignations and various break ins and break downs in our country's moral fiber, those times in retrospect, were the perfect primer for what is taking place today.

Whether apathy, resignation or simply waking up to the reality that what I am told to believe has so very little to nothing to do with is in fact really going on. In this respect, I'm totally a product of the times. Within the constant infomercial spin and swirl taking place now, even more than ever (at least in my lifetime - and that's saying a lot), I've learned to disengage from the outer world as much as possible and go inside to come to peace.

From time immemorial, the ancients professed the way to enlightenment was to pull away from the nonsense taking place out in the world, all expressions of man's doing and misdoings. It is only within you will find your own reference point guiding you Home in your Self. Now more than ever, this applies - wouldn't you say? From my vantage point, it's essential to keep my Soul Stream alignment solid, fluid, smooth and strong to help steer me through the times to come.

... to be continued ...

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