Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Getting Lucky

Whatever this means to you, however you interpret it, whenever it comes our way - what will I do when it lands in my life? Jessie Jackson once said - man is either too drunk or too indifferent to recognize opportunity when it knocks. At this time of exponential potential not just waiting in the wings but continuously cascading in and through our lives on Earth, what will we do with the Angels Blessings, not to mention our own, when they show up staring us in the face?

Awakening the Sacred in my life has meant I've had to nearly constantly choose whether to see the world through the eyes of my past or meet it fresh, clear and clean from this very present moment. The choice to retread it through the drama/trauma loops of my long and well entrenched pain body lens of misperception is ever the choice point for anyone on this path. For me, up until now, it was often a heads or tails flip as to which I might actually go with - I mean the past has so much seductive evidence that supports itself relentlessly ... and living from the leading with need mentality I so well developed, although by no means owned the rights to, kept me always wanting more more more and of course, this is what I kept getting - more of the same ol' same ol' unfulfillment, over and over again. Sound familiar?

The reality that you're getting exactly what you deeply desire (or better yet, what your Soul desires for you/Itself) has got to push up against all the conditioning saying exactly the opposite is possible. Or probable or even likely to be. Who are you to believe in your Self? I mean, really! And yet, if you don't, then who will? When does the self Love o'meter finally tip the scales past the mid point, the point of no return, to land on the Sunny side of the street, opening up the vista view of your Sacred self staring at you with laughter and Love in It's eyes?

How about now. What in the world are we waiting for? Do we really need another workshop, webinar or channeled message telling us how worthy of the Heaven's Blessings we are, all to finally convince you

Now Is The Time
Here Is The Place &
You Are The One

On this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse heralding the last time segment leading up to the who-knows-what's-gonna-happen December 21st big todo, it sure seems like an opportune time to actually live as if you were already the balls to the wall (ovaries for the ladies in the audience) version of your best Self. Put another way - who would you be and how would you act if you knew you were God?

How would each of us greet the day with this full-on radiance just bustin' lose, in and throughout every cell in your Being? With all the seemingly insignificant encounters with others we come across each and every day, if you knew you had just hit the all time biggest lotto and were living full time 24/7 ever more in the limitless land of OZ - and were the Wizard Itself, how would you show up in these moments? How would I?

Definitely kinder with a smile on my face, a word of encouragement, perhaps a compliment or sincere acknowledgement as well ... of course, living in NYC gives me so many opportunities to 'act as if' without provocation and believe me, on enough occasions I get the looks of suspicion, caution and incredulous doubt telling me I'm right on center.

Hey baby - IT'S SHOWTIME!

If not now, when
If not you, than who!? be continued ...

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