Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Don't Dim Your Light Just Because Others Squint

Don't you know, I've spent my life always seeking the approval of others - to validate me, to like me and to Love me. Raised in a household where Love was conditional and how it was doled out depended on how I did or didn't please my parents, the imprints of my co-dependence were deeply set in infancy. I believe this is so for many men today.

Because my personal reference of self worth was always externally based, I've tried (unsuccessfully I might add) to gather my strength from the outside world ... and in so doing, totally lost my inner-direction compass. Over my life, this has caused me to abandon, abdicate and compromise my personal values, as if I ever really knew what they were to begin with. I have lived largely from a place of insecurity and uncertainty. From my conditioning from youth, my sense of self often went to the highest bidder.

Thankfully, though much to the chagrin of my betters, I've kept my childlike impetuousness, spunk and enthusiasm fairly intact. Like a stubborn newborn holding onto their favorite rattle, I've held out on totally believing the lies I inherited that my value was dependent on pleasing others. Though I have tried ... often in the bargain, making everyone around me miserable.

As I years ago pledged to Awaken The Sacred Masculine, jumping perhaps at the biggest bone of all, the bone held in God's hands, over and over again I realized, The Beloved's Love couldn't be bought by my feeble negotiations and manipulations to get my needs met. I had to do that for myself. Only then could I stand high and tall on my own two feet to reach up and grasp Her outreached palm. But I had to believe I was worthy enough to value my self enough to know I was worth Loving in the first place.

Throughout my awakening life, I've looked for usable tools of consciousness to help guide me Home. I'm a practical guy. Maybe its the Capricorn thing, I can't say. All I know, is that as with me, I believe we all need the dependable pathways to follow within our lives that will bring us into our Heart's embrace within ourselves. Again, this only we can do.

For this reason, I developed my Spiritual life practice and in turn, my personal constitutionals to fortify, clarify, wholify, strengthen and vitalize my core sense of self. As with religiously doing crunches, when my core is strong, the rest of me is as well. As I've chosen to evolve to embody the Awakened Sacred Masculine, it has caused me to look deeply inside to gain insights, awareness and permission to be all I can be or rather, already Am. Yes, only we ourselves can ever give us this validation and approval to excel and consciously evolve into our essentially Divine natures.

Hey, if it were snap snap, zippity quick, we'd all have already embodied our Christ Self. These 'constitutionals' are the handful of activities I've identified over the years that keep me healthy, happy, sane and at peace within myself. I know I have to address and attend to the four basic pillars supporting my castle - the Spiritual, the physical, the mental and the emotional structures of my life. In order to maintain my overall wellness, I have to be mindful and responsible to meet my own needs. This of course, lets the rest of the world off the hook to do what is only up to me to do. Funny how this works.

The work I do - Awakening The Sacred Masculine At The Turning Of The Ages is all about identifying these essential elements of my/our lives and being 100% self-responsible to keep to 'em enlivened, healthy, fluid and strong. As I continue shinning the Light of my consciousness through my empowered open Heartspace, the rest of my life continues to shine. And this can sometime piss off others who haven't turned their Self Love on in their lives.

As my very dearest friend Susie B. once said - happy people make unhappy people unhappier. Having geared my self worth to the dial of others approval, this amazing shift in the directional flow of my Love has made all the difference in the world.

... to be continued ...

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