Saturday, November 17, 2012

It Is All About Love

Love is an action word. It is short for Loving and in the context of the Sacred Masculine, of being the living force of Love in this world. One of the primary qualities to the masculine archetype is that of having a purpose in life to fulfill and more important, choosing to live form his purpose, day in day out. It really is this simple - our action oriented drive is to express our Lifeforce into the world. Up until now, this hasn't always looked so pretty or conscious or especially interested in the welfare of those in our lives.

This drive to create, to participate and to procreate is a defining aspect of what the masculine is all about. And boy, has this last attribute gotten us into trouble over the ages. Now however, the need to procreate awakened consciousness is the inner fire that moves through us to ignite others in our lives. We are becoming attuned to the energetic time-codes opening within us to awaken to our eternal nature, the Sacred, the Divine - the Christ Consciousness reborn.

The Soul markers are now coming due to finally embody the Sacred in our lives - as if we ourselves are the actual living embodied expression of the Christ alive. The waiting is over. All that has ever been Lovingly, consistently and gratefully invested in us throughout our Soul's journey, on a very deepest of levels, has been to bring us to the individual and collective point of yes, AWAKENING to the Diving we are.

Now Is The Time
Here is The Place and
We Are The One

As the quickening continues sweeping open the doors upon the planet, as people of all walks of life are awakening to the undeniable truth that yes indeed, we are in this thing together and to collectively survive, we collectively have to show up in very different ways now. The man in Humanity has a fundamental choice to make and to be sure is the core intention of Awakening The Sacred masculine At The Turning Of the Ages - it's Show Time!

For me and this is largely true of anyone who has trained long and had to perform a function, a service, an act of contribution and intense personal expression, whether artistic or athletic, that when the starting bell rings, all that has pushed us to excel comes to the fore. It's Human nature to share ourselves with each other. As social animals, we need to see and be seen. In this respect, the feedback loop is a necessary function of our species and without it, we eventually starve and shrivel away.

Back when I was training in and offering infant massage classes to young mothers, I read that in remote, third world orphanages where there were just too many children to be Lovingly touched and held, a large percentage of infants simply died away. (And many of those who did survive had significant social, emotional and mental imbalances as a result.) No wonder those of us who weren't adequately nurtured as newborns have had if not significant learning disabilities to deal with, considerable addictive tendencies and overly needy emotional tendencies in place that have made being a conscious and productive member of humanity difficult to nearly impossible to pull off. Just a thought ...

So now, as the long awaited 2012 Gateway unfolds for us all living on Earth, who among us men will rise to the occasion and seize the moment? Who of us all here, women and men alike, will answer the clarion call to Awaken to the Sacred within yourselves, once and for all? Because not only doesn't it take a weatherman to tell us which way the wind is blowing, it doesn't take a prophet to tell us the writing is thick on the wall for humanity to either awaken or die.

Now is the time. However you come to this choice point in your lives, the opportunity to play on a much grander level is beckoning you to just stand up and show up for yourselves to now fulfill your Soul's promise, here and now. Yet so much more important, for each other in this Sacred way. In this respect, It really is going from me to WE. Within our very hard drive design on a Soul level is the built in need to replay the Blessing by being the Blessing out in the world.

 Again, Love is an action word or rather a living force of pure source Lifeforce created to initiate, ignite and proactively embody the Christ consciousness. Are you up for this once in a Soul time invitation?

... to be continued ...

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