Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Riding The Dragon’s Tail

It’s been said, the only thing worse than not getting anything you want is getting everything you do. Think about it. The lotto hits, your ship comes in, all piled high with everyanything you’ve ever wanted including all the ready babes (or guys for you otherwise inclined) and lots & lots of cash and !POOFSHAZAM! You’re 25 again. All of a sudden, you’re granted your Wish Come True List come true. Like Jeopardy meets The Secret. You’re sitting high and pretty having too much of everything having too much of everything, too much of whatever you can possibly want. Sounds great doesn’t it? It does until either your Johnson falls off or you get the most deadly malady of all. You get bored.

It’s one thing to have jack shit and be bored shitless but when you have it all and it’s still not enough, it’s a living hell. It’s like getting Soul Gout, where all you have to look forward to is eventually rotting away. A steady diet of rich sauces soon becomes nauseating. Perhaps you’ve known people who from the outside looking in, it was all you ever wanted, yet after getting to know them even a little bit, even that is too much - you can’t wait to get away … and if you did get your total Good Karma payout all in one lump sum, what would you ask for anyway? Now mind you, this is your only rub on the Genie’s lamp. This is your one chance, your last shot at the title. With everyone I work with, I ask this question.

Because more and more in my life, this is what I ask, what do I now most want? And more important, what does having it feel like - right Now, right Here. Now that 2012 is so far behind us and the Mayan thing came and went with nary an apparent dimensional shift, I look around and wonder, what’s changed?  No great revelations from beyond the beyond or windfalls from a late Aunt did occur at the end of last year - spent languidly on the Pacific coast of Mexico only to return to NYC in early dreary January to land at my new girlfriend, Mel’s apartment, camped out laid flat, totally and utterly flued to the max, ensconced on her couch for 8 straight daze.

I quickly found out a new Lover relationship sure looks different when just making it to the toilet is a highlight moment and having to communicate coherently all the while locked up together for a solid week, takes on very a different tone. Somewhere written in Cosmo it says to really find out about your man, see how he acts when he's knocked out sick. Anyway, as my down time led right into Mel’s week long time out in suddenly requested solitary, recovering from her bout of the same, I began noticing a pattern emerging in this young coming together of my dear girlfriend Mel and me.

I observed we'd gone through a quick series of phases or sets or chapters, distinctly unlike, having a markedly different quality than the previous. Nothing too wild a swing, however if not completely unrelated, certainly unique. Now, one who asks the obvious – what’s it all about? (why ask small) I heard: You are being prepared. Really? I replied, only to hear, Yes. As time goes on, I keep getting the sense we’re here to potentially play to a deeper degree on a much larger level. How this will be, I can’t say … and as with all of us here in 2013, the exponential potential is increasing more and more and I imagine, much more than we know.

Between us both, still no great epiphanies or Spiritual pyrotechnics, though a whole lot heatin' up just about everywhere else. Happily, I’d settle and no; the vibe and chills I got when I got this initial download had a more serious tenor to it. Not heavy, just direct. Having called in a Sacred Union Lover partner for years, having done this to the detriment of all my previous relationships, finding out each time the cohesion of the connection couldn’t handle the Juice, if only because I couldn’t handle It myself. Simply put: I hadn’t anchored or actualized my Sacred Masculine presence in for myself, so how could I possibly co-create the container with another?

Calling in the Sacred anything is a tall order, one that requires us to meet It from the very best of ourselves. Attitude won’t help – as the saying goes: you can’t pimp strut into Heaven, you enter walking on your knees. Humility is the key. This quality is a most coveted jewel. The shine of it comes from many life challenges met and matched and much discomfort to the parts that still walk with too cocky a stride. Like the Knights of The Round Table - honor, respect and integrity always win the day.

So does endurance, experience, being totally present and having a semblance of smarts, both in the head and of the Heart, all learned well in Life School and yet - the Sacred will always demand more. Ever notice how Spirit only wants what you really don’t want to let go of. Why is this? You’d think It already has enough but no, It still wants my addictions, my doubts, my fears and ask I turn it all over as a Blessing to God. Huh, say what? I learned the hard way, to deeply heal whatever has caused me pain within myself, I had to Love it to release it. Pushing hard against it always made it push back harder.

So here I am in NYC, having been away for 25 yrs, never ever thinking or wanting to live here again, thankfully having done so (long story), now playing back here in very big lake or ocean more accurately. Getting what I asked for. I asked to go to the next level in my work, Advanced Energy Healing, my writing and teaching on Awakening The Sacred Masculine and all other areas of my life, including the Lovey dovey. I totally know I Am ready, willing and able. Good thing too. Because, why is it that almost the only way to Spiritually grow and evolve you have to get pushed to stretch, usually more than you want? That to progress requires a most sincere and committed outlay of energy, effort and everything else, if only to feel like I'm just keeping up … and who designed it this way anyway!? 

As contrast creates distinction, white is white only because black makes it so. It’s the blistering heat of summer and the tundra cold of winter that cracks the hardest concrete. If enough sudden, shocking and dramatic shifts happen in a person’s life, they will crack. Guaranteed. The homeless shelters are full of us that just couldn’t take any more of whatever made them stop trying to keep it together in the first place. Spirit uses the same strategy, the strategy of extremes.

One way to grow really quickly is to get the upgraded version of Relationship Training 101. Actually, it’s more like RT 303. You take two fairly Spiritually conscious adults (both uniquely interpretive of this term), throw in some Soul contracts, mix in a little hot and heavy + add 2013 and stand back to see what unfolds. Either the life and emotional shifts of such a potent combination will loosen your screws or tear you apart. Thankfully, having earned my stars through all previous relationship ranks, I’m so less difficult than any earlier versions of Keith. My Mel would never have put up with him, let me tell you.

For most all of my life, I’ve felt like I was super clued to the end of the dragon’s tail, whipping from one extreme to the other. Although still breathing (so how bad could it be?), I often stopped going in one direction in a hurry when I hit the wall going in the other. With many less brain cells to grey matter with, I’ve thankfully achieved a relative degree of Awakedness in my life. I’ve made it this far. And yet, this brief time with Mel has reminded me to keep moving forward, I have to keep holding onto the relationship tow rope. No matter how much I’ve been used to letting go when my hands burned, this time I have to do everything possible to keep embracing our Love. Especially when it’s uncomfortable. Especially.

Neither of us has dropped a bomb on the other; no strange bedfellows caught hiding in the closet or terrible ties told and found out. No, I’m not a transvestite named Monique. We both have Loved and lost enough to realize the value and worth of this gift of us. I know I have. I have to believe we know what’s at stake and available here and we're both pretty experienced and savvy dragon riders as well.                  And this is a very good thing.

As the current poured through telling me to be most careful with her, I recognized the implicit agreement implied and saw the potential possibilities arching in the distance, urging me on … to keep coming into my Heartspace especially when pushed past my preferences. If doing nothing else, this would be all I needed to honor the opportunity in hand. This one commitment of my focus and attention would allow me to keep riding the Lifeforce coursing into and through this relationship - not just to Mel, rather my connection to the Divine within me, my Sacred Self.

For the Awakened Sacred Masculine, his personal commitment to Love, honor, respect and live in integrity becomes the force that ignites embodiment of all these Sacred qualities within himself especially when joined with another such as her. This is the meaning of Heart Tantra - that through your open and empowered Hearts you can feel, know and touch the Divine within you, as you, once and for all.
This is also the meaning of Sacred Union. I have quested for this a great many life time, up until now, always falling short. To now be in such a relationship is my Dream Coming True, however, one that continues calling the very best of me to keep showing up, living consciously front and center in my life. It seems, nothing less will do.

... to be continued … 

The Soul’s intention to enter into Sacred Union, first within yourself than another, requires a most specific approach. It will call to the surface all that has ever stood in the way of you Loving your self. It will require you to go to your very depths and connect your Soul’s presence to these places, once and for all. You will have to Love your suffering into Light to become free of it. I can help you do this.

For more information on my work, please view my web site at or contact me directly at

PS If you felt moved, inspired, touched, supported, annoyed, or anything else after reading this post, please let me know. I really do appreciate your comments and feedback. It’s easy and only takes a minute.  Click on 'comments' or 'no comments' below. Also, if you feel inspired to share this with another, please do so! .

Also, our recent Full Moon Awakening Sacred Union Circle was a Lovely success.
Our next Sacred Union Circle will be for this upcoming New Moon, March 11th.
Watch for Facebook notices and please plan on joining us!
Thank You.


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