Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Shaman’s Fire & The Alchemist’s Flame ~

During this New Moon Solar Eclipse window, the possibilities are so ripe and juicy. Ripe to sow your seeds, riding the wave of this auspicious moment to create anew - your intentions and best well wishes, your Heart's desires to come alive for you. As a global, therefore planetary and therefore cosmic or Universal man, I’ve learned to tap and ride the larger streams of life. As in the very Lifeforce that keeps all these myriad worlds a’ spinning away. To read the signs unfolding around and in us is the norm for a shaman or shawoman in this world.

Now is also the perfect time to pluck the fruit from the juice you’re already creating in your life - oops, co-creating. Spirit always likes to be acknowledged. You have to be the main one to tell yourself how terrific you really are, how far you have come in your life. Yes even though, here in 2014, we’re all flying blind by the seat of our pants, you’ve made it this far, haven’t you? That’s gotta count for a lot, wouldn’t you say? I know it does for me, having steadily built up momentum after a gnarily, rough 2 yrs away.

When the shaman’s fire got a hold of me and all I could do was burn in the alchemical flame, I prayed there’d be something good left in the ashes. Anything, actually. Anyone who’s passed through the gauntlet of their world imploding and collapsing and made it safely out the other side, there’s less of you than before. There has to be. The fuel incinerated was your suffering going up in flames. Like the hard core t-shirt says: The pain is fear leaving your body. Ouch!

I’ve recently begun working with a woman, doing long-distance, absentee healing sessions. She answered my ad in Sedona Journal and as with many who call, was in a pretty tight place. A very narrow passage, as in: Life-as-birth-canal-in-her-face. Talk about ouch. As I listened to her mostly sob and cry, I remembered that place of deep despair that wouldn’t ever let me go. For too long really. I touched on what I’d wished I’d heard then and said this to her.

Breakthrough comes after breakdown. At least in this world it does. Being hardheaded I can certainly say, the ways I’ve most opened up was when I was forced to. Awakening comes with an annoyingly steep price. I had to give up the places in me that preferred being unconscious and enjoyed acting that way. That was my downfall, my behavior. But hey, learning to evolve usually takes fucking up to learn and in this I’ve been well blessed. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to practice.

Just take a deep breath, over and over again. It’s impossible to get clear of your suffering by continuing to dive back into it. Yes, you have to acknowledge and feel your feelings, just not endlessly indulge in how bad you feel feeling them. Thoughts are like this too. They’ll always lead back into the maze of more questions asked which - what a surprise! - never give answers in return. Your mind can’t figure out a solution to a problem it created. No can do.

Take a nice long walk and see the world outside of your suffering. Like peaking your head out of your self-created hole, life looks different when you’re not staring into your shit. I told this woman to find a place in nature she could sit for a bit and just feel life living around her. I invited her to ‘expand her temple’ an old Buddhist saying, meaning: Whenever you’re confused, angry or afraid, enlarge your mental, emotional and energetic containers. Get larger than your suffering which allows perspective and space to creep in.

Keep prayer alive, with each breath you breathe. We all need help, now and again.  Sometimes often. In this I’ve found, we can’t do our Awakening alone and guess what? We’re not supposed to either. We all have tremendous unseen Spiritual support waiting for us to simply ask. Our next necessary dance step is to actually open up to receive. As impossible as it is to shake a clinched fist, Spirit can’t enter us if we’re all closed up in our misery. A closed container is likely to remain so …

I reminded her to see how far she’s already come in her journey. To have faith in life, if not in herself. Of course, in the state she’d currently in, this is near impossible. The passage that’s consuming her (actually, her pain body) is all about a fundamental loss of trust in her self – in her ego personality that’s doing (and causing) all the suffering in the first place. 

The irony is, like a caterpillar enclosed in its own cocoon, there is no guaranty it will ever emerge intact, let alone fly away as a butterfly. This is why trust is the only thing that carries you through.

Finally I said, bottom line: She would have to find something in herself worth living for, for her to pull out of this spiral dive to her death.

… to be continued …

Thank You &

Love To Us All ~

PS I invite you to share these posts with anyone you feel would benefit and if you feel inspired, to write your feedback insights through the ‘Comment’ key on this blog. Also, please check out my work, Heart Tantra - The Attunement Session - on my web site heartantra.com. I offer in-person sessions here in the NYC area and absentee or long-distance work if you don't ~ Always Blessings On Your Way!

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