Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Curse of a Shadow Magnet ~

What an odd and curious term. ‘Shadow Magnet.’ What does it mean anyway? Until I was called one, I sure hadn’t a clue. A number of years ago when I was training with my high Priestess teacher and mentor Nicole Christine, she shared she felt I was very much one. A Shadow Magnet, that is. In part, she based her opinion on a Shamanic Astrology term or concept, although mostly it was her own read after getting to know me a bit. We’d been working in ceremonial circle for a number of months already, getting a feel for who we were. As the pealing process continued throughout the nine months of our initiatory, Awakening The Priest Process, (calling in to embody the Sacred Masculine), everyone in this men’s group Nicole facilitated in Sedona in 1996, began to show our true selves.
As intended. The whole deal was designed to take us into places we’d either never gone or ever wanted to. Her wisdom aside, it was the group of us that changed us, certainly with her direction leading the way. I’ve been very fortunate to train over extended periods with a number of different self-healing processes, all showing me something new and different about myself. These highly transformative journeys gave me the appreciation of deep group work, results accrued over time. In these alchemical passages I always found, like a new bud growing, flowering takes the time it takes, no matter what I’d prefer.

Regardless of how I felt about these often challenging experiences, they’ve always had to play out in their own way, in their own timing. Like following a trail through the forest, you pick up clues with each step and pray for the best, remembering not to push too hard. Easier said than done, however. Ever the birth-canal-as-life, this Awakening process becomes a 27/7 all the time, permanent date that will never let you forget who’s the boss. Your Soul. 

Self-inquiry-in-group version is an acquired habit, one that didn’t come  especially naturally to me, I must admit. It’s not that I was unusually shy with strangers, I’d just never let myself feel these hidden-under-the-rock emotions to begin with. Any sensible person will tell you: Why look? Wingin’ your Awakening with few pointers, learning on the fly can be rough, in front of others in plain view, it’s nearly impossible. At least it was for me. 

Having just been introduced to ‘Shadow work’ with Nicole, I remember when first hearing this term, Shadow Magnet, of knowing yet not knowing what it actually was. It was like an old memory resurfacing or a sudden glimmer catching my eye, just out of view behind me to the left. I couldn’t quite place it though I absolutely knew I’d heard a zinger. Nicole explained that it was a particularly unique role to call in, karma-wise. It was ‘problematic’ she said softly, without going into any explanation. She let it hang between us for a while, growing while taking on a mystique of its own. Shortly afterwards, the energy of this phrase began expanding in my head more and more, until like the rose bud, it popped open inside of me.

Whenever I’ve heard something that had a monster load of truth for me, like a needle being twisted into the meridian line, it immediately got my attention. Clear as a bell though I sure didn’t know what it meant. I later found it had an exceptionally layered, deeply transformative quality, one that demanded a person’s very best to navigate properly. She said there were many factors in play and that it was considered a very Sacred calling, if for no other reason that it could catalyze all involved to evolve much more quickly. Really! Seriously? (And this is a good thing?!)

Without sharing the astro details, its function is designed to help trigger other people, to invite and ignite their gut reactions to pop, plain and simple. This however, is nothing grand or particularly special. We all get on each other’s nerves, every once in a while. But when it’s enacted with consciousness, with conscious awareness, it can change everything. This shifts mere haphazard chaos to the sublime realm of potential-to-Awaken. Here it becomes something of pure, alchemical magic. 

For those who carry this pledge (or is it curse?), to willingly walk to the edge of your abyss, to look over the side to whatever lies below, you’ve got to be a bit nuts to begin with. That’s really it - it really is a calling. To be drawn to keep looking into what’s previously remained unseen hidden in the dark - into your Shadowland, is a potent force that triggers others to do this for themselves as well. With the Shadow Magnet’s 7th Ray energy having its way, generating transformation is its prime directive, any way it can.

The magnetic quality of this is it’s very much a dynamic that compels proactive change, pulling and/or pushing surrounding energies to potentially shift-to-transmute. Its authority comes from revealing to others where they aren’t living in their power, have given it away or are still holding onto something they’d best let go and release. All of these instances inevitably drains Lifeforce energy and personal power. Over time, I’ve found these Shadow reactions others don’t particularly appreciate having pointed out. No surprise here. Most of us seem to have an especially hard time looking too close at these aspects within ourselves, wouldn’t you say?

To trigger the ire of those in my life, where to some degree with some, I’ve always outpictured their own discord and discontent, has been a real bitch over the years, I must say. The catch to wearing this role is you must learn not to take other people’s reactions personally. Ever, not one little bit. Consequently, it’s forced me to look deeply into my own chronic self-unworth issues, where yelling in my head was my brutal, inner-critic’s punishing voice always blamed me for just being me. It drove me to heal the parts of myself that always needed to make myself wrong, just so I could keep blaming myself for being wrong. It forced me to find my Sacred, my sanctuary within. This is the only place I’ve ever found I could always rest and find solace. Out of sheer necessity, I’ve sought my return trip Home.

Doing this deeply introspective work demands you look to uncover the hidden passages in the underbelly of ‘you,’ your psyche, your subconscious and your Shadow - all to reveal the lost parts of yourself you’ve (up until now) hidden away. I believe it requires a very well-seasoned and often world weary Soul to pull this off. In that the Universe forces us to our destiny, eventually you have no choice but to look under all your concealed and buried rocks, only to find your secret treasure disguised in your painful shit.

This potent medicine declares you’re only able to take flight after first attending to your own broken wings, in whatever and all forms this may be. We ultimately end up at this place in our Spiritual development, because in order to progress, it often requires bringing someone along with us. To stir up these feelings in others takes a different kind of interest, however. It’s somehow tied into the Bodhisattva’s vow, except it reads: You first have to embrace the very places inside, the ones that hurt the most that others will have to hold in themselves. All to become free. In this respect, it’s a sure fire way to Awaken in a hurry - at all costs. What fun. Not!

Tall order, this. Why would anyone want to take this one on? Simple. It gives you and others the chance to choose brand anew. As a result of all my life’s experience: You can only change a painful pattern when you’re in it. Only while in suffering can you then choose to make a new decision, a new choice to get you out. You can’t do this hypothetically, by proxy from afar. You gotta be in it, smack dab – and if you do something positively different than ever before, you change your painful story. It’s that simple. 

But choosing to choose different is what makes an empowered life come alive. Our decisions made create the course of our lives and meeting life with conscious awareness, allows new beginnings to happen. And believe me, in the midst of this hugely significant Grand Cardinal Cross (it’s exact today and tomorrow), this is a really good time to begin anew – as if your life and dreams-come-true depend on it – because I believe, they really do.

… to be continued …

PS I invite you to share these posts with anyone you feel would benefit and if you feel inspired, to write your feedback insights through the ‘Comment’ key on this blog. Also, please check out my work, Heart Tantra - The Attunement Session - on my web site I offer in-person sessions here in the NYC area and absentee or long-distance work if you don't. Always Blessings On Your Way!


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