Monday, April 7, 2014

Sacred … huh?!

I’m finding it’s like this here in my NYC experience – hardly anyone has the foggiest idea of what this actually means. The Sacred. It’s like discovering a brand new color or musical sound – a new note nobody’s ever heard and can’t quite place. Weird. And then there’s ever the wholly sublime, Everest huge force of the Sacred that’s eternally nonnegotiable – completely unretractable – you have to give your dearest to get the deepest in return. You have to pay to play.

This tends to lock people up. They get scared when they suddenly have to put anything of sincere value on the line. Me too. I was once heavily invested in trying to keep myself protected, hidden from view - oddly most from myself … cuz ‘only a fool’ opens his Heart too much, is too soft, available and present in life. Wouldn't you know - up until now - all the evidence supported this. Regardless, while living in the big town, I’m finding to cut the edge here means I certainly have to stand up in front, within myself and very often alone, by myself.

I believe, the clarion clear peal inside someone’s subconscious when they hear the word SACRED is that they intrinsically know, on the deepest Soul level, exactly what this is. It is What you is. All of us in ourselves are 1 ... and here's where the fine print on the Awakening Contract always gets you: you can never ever get off the trail. It eventually owns and becomes you, which is totally necessary cuz only a fool would want to keep going into their weaknesses, intending to find their healing and strength there. I mean, really.

Yet from my experience, nothing less has worked. Nothing else I’ve ever pulled out of my ego’s bag of tricks has actually helped pull me out of my own. Ego, that is. No matter how Spiritually high I got, I still acted like a jerk sometimes, still had loads to learn about how to be a conscious man, how to be in relationship, of every and all kinds. Regardless of it's myriad forms - how to relate has taken my lifetime to learn.

NYC is an amazing place, for all the good reasons and ever challenging ones too. This Man. Is. (nice touch) alone has nearly 10 million a’dwelling upon her. So to say the very least, there’s a whole lot of humanity living here and as has literally thousands of groups in all 5 boroughs, it,  to quote the lone fellow who has shown up both weeks of my addition to the ensemble - ‘it’s simply ridiculous how no one else is here!’ No shit.

I bet if you launched a group like, say, Blind Albino, Nose Pickers who sing opera, eat only tofu and love Dr Seuss, you’d get 40-50 people, easy. Seriously. There are countless thousands who might qualify. But this Sacred thing is the missing fucking note, the lost chord that like the phenomena of Crop Circles, is so totally off the charts, our common minds just can’t recognize the Mystery when it shows itself, fact to face in plain view.

As one who has been not so much on a quest, rather quested (if you get my meaning), this ASM presence has demanded a total up-front and center, top billing in Keith. Talk about a demanding Diva. In so doing, as I’ve long called in, that force has consistently pushed up all my considerable nonsense to the fore of my life, often in my face - all to clear away so I could eventually see clearly one day. And that time is now. 

If in fact you’re breathing, surly you can feel the intensity building, like there’s another huge wave rolling in, collectively, globally and cosmically speaking. As most of us are aware, this month ahead, astro-wise, is arguably as potentially impactful as any EVER before. That’s a long time. This potent Eclipse package beginning on 4.15 with a Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse concluding on the 29th with a New Moon, Solar Eclipse is a real, big time doozy.
Please hang onto your drawers, folks.

What forms in the heavenly firmament is a very unique cosmic structure called a Cardinal Grand Cross, where all the angles of these massive planets are exactly 13* in relation. Very unusual, indeed. Anyway, as I continue calling the Awakened Sacred Masculine into my life, I marvel at how for all of us on Earth now, we’re going to encounter the forces of the Divine blowing through our lives in yet another installment of This Is Your Life – Deal With It!

Inherent in all Hero and Heroine’s quests is the part where you just don’t know where, when or how it’s possibly gonna work out. You ain't got a clue and fully know, only a miracle will do … and that’s why it’s call The Mystery. Can you ever say for sure what lies ahead? Nope, not really. But you still gotta try, you still have to show up for yourself. Or not. That’s the thing in life, that’s the bottom line and reach of the bar above. You just gotta try your very best and trust The Divine to do the rest. Over these next few weeks, I believe we’re all going to see …

Thank You & Love To Us All ~

PS I invite you to share these posts with anyone you feel would benefit and if you feel inspired, to write your feedback insights through the ‘Comment’ key on this blog. Also, please check out my work, Heart Tantra - The Attunement Session - on my web site I offer in-person sessions here in the NYC area and absentee or long-distance work if you don't. Always Blessings On Your Way!

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