Saturday, April 12, 2014

In Tenderness I Trust ~

I've gotten some really interesting feedback from yesterday’s blog and thought to respond in kind … As we all undeniably know, SEX is such a monumentally loaded subject, so full of so much of what makes us human – really, on every and all levels. Yes, the very good, the bad and the Heartbreakingly ugly. And as a high Spiritual Tantric practitioner, the originator of Heart Tantra, it only seems fit to speak more in depth on this subject now.

Simply put: Heart Tantra means to build or fill or weave the presence of our Heartspace awareness into all of our cells, throughout all our energy bodies (physical, etheric, emotional, mental and Spiritual). It means to reference our human experience primarily first and foremost, thorough our essentially Divine natures. It means to embody our Sacred in the very beating of our Hearts, viscerally in our DNA with each breath we breathe.

Really big stuff, this. It’s called the Royal or Golden Road because it seeks to combine, blend and merge all of the apparent opposites of our selves into one cohesive and harmonious consciousness.  From my experience, the Heart Chakra is where Heaven & Earth, Spirit and flesh meet and become one. It is only here where all of our contradictory or rather, complimentary aspects can finally wholify, once and for all. Only in the Heartspace can our light our dark our good bad and very ugly elements join and unite in - here we go folks – SACRED UNION.

As a man working for many years to heal my considerable woundedness – as a Soul in a man’s body – I’ve sought the secret, potent elixirs to help me do just this. I’ve certainly done my share of drugs, drink and rock and roll sex. 

I’ve studied, trained and been groomed, largely at the hands and under the wings of the Sacred Feminine, in the form of all my conscious, intimate relationships, all in hopes of becoming a better one. A man that is … and let me tell you, in so doing (as is certainly so for all who qualify), I’ve become the living roadmap of how it’s done.

Mind you, it has rarely been easy and most never convenient. In the best and worst sense of the word, it’s been a real bitch. As with all things of substantial worth, it has come with a significant price – being: all my woundedness. 

Indeed, the only way out is through. And for us who’ve carried so much pain, fear, doubt, anger, addiction and sadness, that’s asking quite a lot. But hey, no one said it was gonna be easy, just worth it

So as I sat in on the Sensuality/Sexuality panel at this last NYC Whole Life Expo, I quietly rested in having already racked up considerable road time of many many hard earned miles on this journey of awakening my Sacred Masculine. I observed the whole scene in wonderment, simply showing up as me. 

I know that I know this material really well – the entire course syllabus of misuse and abuse of will – of so many ways to fuck up lovely relationships I’ve done, all because I didn’t feel I was worthy of being loved. 

And of course my behaviors forced my partners to eventually leave me, all of which keep reflecting back my core beliefs, which of course, always reflected my core wounds - my deep seated self-unworth issues. Ouch. No wonder I most often felt lost and alone, even while in relationship. It’s really no surprise - I was so totally self-consumed in my life, suffering from that horrifically common malady – Meitus (what about me what about me?). There just wasn’t much room left over to attend to those who were loving me. 

When I sat back and listened to my co-panelists talk, (though beautiful words spoken, to be sure), I was mildly surprised by what I kept hearing. They all told us who they were, what they knew how to do but hardly nothing about what they could deliver, provide or support within their clients. It appeared to be all about them. 

Please know, in no way do I mean to denigrate these lovely Souls. I know they’ve quested in their respective lives to reach the levels of awareness they have.  Really really good for them! In no way am I better or worthy and certainly, no more special than they are. In fact, I’m not special at all. Unique, yes but this goes for all of us, doesn’t it?

One last thing about the Sacred and sex … whenever there is love, gratitude, joy, kindness, caring and consideration, there the Sacred is, big bold quiet sublime and bodacious too. It’s not a fancy concept. It’s not ‘New Age’ or sanctimonious or cloaked in the dusty tomes of time worn religions – IT IS ALWAYS FOUND IN THE ACT OF LOVING. Always.

Thank You & Love To Us All ~ 

PS I invite you to share these posts with anyone you feel would benefit and if you feel inspired, to write your feedback insights through the ‘Comment’ key on this blog. Also, please check out my work, Heart Tantra - The Attunement Session - on my web site I offer in-person sessions here in the NYC area and absentee or long-distance work if you don't. Always Blessings On Your Way!


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