Friday, May 16, 2014

Why NYC?

The Lifeforce energy a man has available to accomplish his life’s purpose, when ignored or disregarded, turns towards less life-enhancing pursuits. It turns in on itself, slowly digesting its host. Energy either spirals up or goes the other way. It doesn’t stay still very long, if at all - especially these days when we’re living in warp speed. Being here in the Big A certainly adds mightily to this velocity, I must say.

My time in NYC has had serious side effects, don't you know. In every way, it’s forced me to direct my energies specifically towards what I’m doing now. Eureka! The Plutonic irony is that my desire to progress has put me here dealing with what it takes to actually do so. Massive amounts of humans (like 10 mil) all living and working, full on to get their needs met. Quite a scene indeed. Whew!

Which is not my preference, mind you. At this point, my harmonics are better tuned to more natural settings in the country side of life, way away from big city livin’ But as was pointed out a few years back while living off the coast of Spain in the radiant Mediterranean: Boy, Bloom Where You’re Planted! My friend was correct in laying this one on me. Some of us can be fussy anywhere.

As it would appear is so with most of us in our respective lives. It’s awfully easy to get wiggy these days and I greatly honor what I’ve learned from doing so. And yet, I’d rather be doing my work here, than sitting on a beautiful beach on Ibiza, not. (Am I crazy?) I lived there for four glorious years, loving every second of it but I couldn’t be doing what I’m doing now, living there.

In this regard, I’m not in NYC to shop or see big, tall buildings - oh my! It’s not the downtown club scene or the museum experience that brought me back. It was to show up for something greater than my own self-interests. As paradoxes go, I absolutely do this for the greater good – because every fiber in my Being says so but I’m also doing this for myself as well.

If I don’t (as I haven’t) I’ll feel like I’m missing the whole point of being alive now. For me, this is a terrible feeling. In fact, it was almost fatal. Whatever time-codes going off inside, the wake-up call can’t be avoided any longer. These times have long been forecast and prophesized as the Turning of the Ages - where our Soul’s growth becomes the higher priority of our lives.

Personally speaking, I just have to do what feels good doing. This isn't unusual, we all do this in our own ways. It’s not a special or sanctimonious thing to be writing about Awakening The Sacred Masculine. I hold no rank above another. Mind you, I’m no Spiritual bling-seeking or self-aggrandizing kinda guy. I’m not here trying to look good playing the part, acting angelically reverent and all. Quite the opposite. I’m a born again, pagan fundamentalist, through and through.  

In the past with my discontent, I always judged myself and made Keith wrong. Now, I no longer punish myself for being me – or for the way I am. Yes, I course-correct when necessary and advised though I’ve let go of the need to shame & blame myself as so many of us men do. No mas. Besides, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve hit upon a Life-Bottom-Line, the LTL issue. Less Time Left.
For me, I feel it’s essential to enact the embodiment of my Sacred. To do this means I have to act in a new way now, out in my world. The burden of insight is to know better, means to do better. Ironically, that this unfolds in NYC is actually rather fitting ... 

Thank You & Love To Us All ~
PS I invite you to share these posts with anyone you feel would benefit and if you feel inspired, to write your feedback insights through the ‘Comment’ key on this blog. Also, please check out my work, Heart Tantra - The Attunement Session - on my web site I offer in-person sessions here in the NYC area and absentee or long-distance work if you don't. Always Blessings On Your Way, Keith 


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