Monday, May 12, 2014

Tap Dancing on a Tightrope ~

To have even a semblance of awareness these days, of a deeper knowing, can be a very complicated thing. How to nurture, empower and express this consciousness when there’s so little external support, well … supporting you? Or I should say, me. I believe there really is a miracle taking place on Earth. People are indeed evolving, it just happens on the inside in whomever is willing. My bad - I just don’t see enough of them from where I stand.

And here’s the eternal conundrum – to change my outside world, I’ve first to look within and amend my perceptions of what I see. Or rather, what I feel about what I see. Believe me, I do my best. When I do remember, I return to endlessly letting go, over and over again … of all the little, naggy shit that soon becomes crazy-making, if given too much attention.

For me, this is enlightenment-in-action. It ain’t always easy, but hey, you gotta have a goal in life. All of me believes for any of us to actualize and embody our Sacred on our planet now will demand the very best of me/you/us. 

I know it’s asking a lot. It’s so easy to feel betwixed & between these days, standing alone on the ridge, yelling into the rushing wind hitting your face. Case in point: in the four Awakening The Sacred Masculine meetups I’ve done recently, four people have shown up, three of whom were women. Is that wacked or what - what’s up with that? I mean really!

Any way you look at it, it’s pretty telling, wouldn’t you say? I’ve written ad nasium about this bizarre phenomena, in puzzle and wonderment. For instance, over these past few months I’ve earnestly asked a number people to give me feedback on these posts and very few, even my dearest friends, have. It’s the oddest thing. It’s like a null-zone void is underway or the cloak of invisibility is in effect. What to do?

My very best. What keeps coming through from my inner voice, loud and clear:
You Be You Keith and always Be Who You Is - whether anyone else is agreeing or playing along isn’t my business. Now is the time to shine my Soul’s light, first in myself and then out into my world. No matter what. In this I know, the Universe will take care of me, I just have to take care of myself.

However, one of the core impulses of Awakening is It sincerely wants to be shared and passed along to others. It’s almost as if It’s prime directive is to do so. Regardless of how you’re met in life, you still have to deliver the goods. I tell myself this often, living in one of densest, all time major Meccas of Materialism on Earth. Here capitalism rules 24/7.

The indirect, uplifting news is I’ve so many examples of how not to be and if nothing else, this provides an accurate measuring stick. It’s called the back-hand path. By your Shadow you see your Light – and through that shade in others you see theirs. It can be really tricky though sometimes you have to grab whatever inspiration you can and run with it.

Although I haven’t a clue how it’ll all turn out, I realize it never actually does. It’s always turning out as the Universe’s Lifeforce flows endlessly along. Eternally, actually. This greater awareness is also an expression of my empowered feminine consciousness. To move more gently in the drifting and quickening currents, without needing it to be so very different, not acquiescing my power, rather accepting life just as it is. Wow.

This alone saves so much energy all the way around. As the Hopi elders said of these times: It’s best to remain in the middle of the stream where the current is the flowing fastest and cleanest. With the unprecedented acceleration of time, evolution and Lifeforce now flooding onto our planet, it’s best to stay swift and smooth – no matter what.

Thank You & Love To Us All ~

PS I invite you to share these posts with anyone you feel would benefit and if you feel inspired, to write your feedback insights through the ‘Comment’ key on this blog. Also, please check out my work, Heart Tantra - The Attunement Session - on my web site I offer in-person sessions here in the NYC area and absentee or long-distance work if you don't. Always Blessings On Your Way! 

1 comment:

ez said...

Great message and LSD reinforces the awakening that our consciousness is we are all as one