Wednesday, May 7, 2014

City Surfin’ ~

Just keep on keepin’ on, one day at a time. In this, AA has it spot on. As the astro peak points come and go (the Grand Cardinal Cross of last week), it’s easy to miss the deeper currents in the larger perspective playing out. What’s unfolding on our Earth is enormously grand to grasp - the workings and turnings of the Universe at large - along with everything in it. That’s really big.

As before, though it’s never let up, the times are indeed a’ changing. Within my life, this is certainly so. With so many personal themes or aspects highlighted these days, all primary elements in my life (relationship, career, money, domestic concerns) all are amidst significantly extensive rewrites now – and genuinely needing to, thank you very much.

These particular themes head the list, though thank goodness, my body and health are well. I am blessed in this way. But the other stuff really really needs to shift, evolve and upgrade. Please! And yet, like everyone else I know, the intensity of living in 2014 adds the special X Factor whammy to the mix. As always, keeping centered, balanced and clear is a full time job.

It’s how we surf and swim in the waves that defines us now. How we navigate the learning curve moments not only impacts and affects what happens in life but more important, how we experience ourselves as it does. Not just a pithy ‘half full or half empty’ cliché but to be sure, your attitude is everything. We see what we look for, receive what we give and get what we already are. To change the outside takes doing so on the inside first.

The ‘blessings of the Goddess’ bit from the last blog comes from having (mind you, out of sheer necessity), been trained and groomed to let go from trying to always make my life go the way I want. Over time, I’ve developed my feminine awareness of receiving the moment instead of front loading it all from my force of will. It’s a subtle yet infinite shift in living my life. Especially for a man.

About 20 yrs ago, I was confronted with the daunting task of getting what I dearly wanted. The hard part and ongoing price required has been transforming everything that’s ever stood in my way of getting it. Relentlessly. My male programing had been hardwired into a very funky, old paradigm mainframe, rooted in an ancient fight-or-flight mentality. Sometimes it’s been in a fight-or-fight one too. Just like a lot of guys, I might add.

The way-of-the-warrior is one I remember. It was necessary and needed and served me well at the time. However now, the landscape has changed, though the patterns still linger. It’s a whole new ballgame these days, with so much in tremendous flux. Speaking of which, I find myself couch surfing in NYC, going on 2yrs now. Beyond my wildest imagination, it amazes me I’ve lasted here so long.
Backstory: I was told in ‘07 I’d be ‘without a home’ for the next 7 yrs. Not dumpster diving but always in other people’s spaces. This element has added a certain, how to say  … ongoing opportunity to become even more fluid, more transparent, more grounded and anchored and ever self-aware. I’ve had to learn to get along with others, rockin’ in this big city without an oasis of having a home to call my own.

 Us cave types really need this sanctuary space, believe me. And yet, as with cosmic fusion, the pressure applied creates a very new life form or molecule or consciousness. And in this time of such profound global change, indeed down to our molecular levels, the ability to get out of the way of oncoming traffic and incoming energies, will determine how smooth and graceful your ride is.

Thank You & Love To Us All ~

PS I invite you to share these posts with anyone you feel would benefit and if you feel inspired, to write your feedback insights through the ‘Comment’ key on this blog. Also, please check out my work, Heart Tantra - The Attunement Session - on my web site I offer in-person sessions here in the NYC area and absentee or long-distance work if you don't. Always Blessings On Your Way!


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