Monday, June 30, 2014

My Fool's Gold ~

Or better yet, The Fool’s Formula. Taken from the Tarot, the Fool card (and all it represents), is seen as the alpha and the omega of the deck, arriving first with no number assigned. It stands alone in its significance, simplicity and power. Why do you suppose this is? If you’re familiar with the depiction of this symbol, hardly a more benign expression could you imagine, without a care in the world.

This fellow walks, following along a mountain path. He’s looking beatifically up to the sky, with nary a concern on his mind. You immediately get the sense his Heart is open and light, his attitude smooth and easy. Details aside, unknowingly with an up-turned gaze, he’s stepping off the curving path, over the edge, off into space. His eyes are trusting and unconcerned – if only because he is trusting, knowing all is well.

In this, there is nothing more powerful than awakened innocence, of blind and seasoned trust in the Divine. His priceless gift is in his ability and conviction to live from knowing he is always held, always embraced, only because he believes it is so

He not only believes, as important, his actions express his effortless ease. This may all sound like too fine a point, though in many ways, it really can’t be explained anyway. Either you get this one or you’re yet, on your way.

I find myself following this formula again in my life. It’s played out over and over, now and throughout the years. Let me say to be sure, it’s been a real bitch of a Blessing. I noticed it more boldly obvious when first living in Sedona in 1996, in a place I suddenly moved, attending The School of Energy Mastery. As many of you know, when you step onto this path, actively with conviction, the Universe rushes to your side. To accompany you, to support you and push you on past your self relentlessly, if that’s what it takes.

And in my case, it really did. Thank God, not to prison or a long hospital stay, but just about everything else funky flushed up into my mask for me to see and finally realize, I couldn’t see around or past my ego anymore. In life, the only way out is through and although the Awakening walk is a very simple one, it’s never usually an easy one.

As I was told at the conclusion of healing school: Only when you give it all, will you get it all. Stopping all time in an instant. Wham! I was absolutely stunned hearing this line. Core to my Life School curriculum, Trust has been right on top of the list. That and Forgiveness. And Gratitude too. Intuitively I knew, to Awaken and return Home in this life, this wisdom I’d have to learn. And earn.

And sure enough, life has complied. In that, for thick-heads like me (hey, it’s a guy thing) the Universe has to exert just a bit more chaos to break our grips or in my case, the control, anger, addiction and self-unworth issues that were holding onto me.

It taught me the purity of an open, trusting Heart was the highest and most powerful force I knew. Out of necessity, it became the ever ready elixir that allowed me to find my way in life. 

The Fool’s Formula being: Whenever I trust, the Universe gives me more to trust in. The more I’m grateful, the more life gives me things to be grateful for. Conversely so, the more you’re pissed off and angry, the more shit you’re gonna have coming back at you. Living here in NYC, that’s for sure. Being in this 'burg, people don't take no mess.
... to be continued ...

Thank You & Love To Us All ~

PS I invite you to share these posts with anyone you feel would benefit and if you feel inspired, to write your feedback insights through the ‘Comment’ key on this blog. Also, please check out my work, Heart Tantra - The Attunement Session - on my web site I offer in-person sessions here in the NYC area and absentee or long-distance work if you don't. Always Blessings On Your Way, Keith 

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