Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Surfing The Underworld - part 2

Perhaps a bit of clarification is called for … the term Underworld is ripe for misinterpretation and then some. It has different meanings for different people, however, I refer to it as a separate Spirit world unto itself, as real in it's reality as ours is to us. I want to be clear to convey the meaning here so as to build a bridge for you to follow across to where I travel in these inner explorations. In these recent inner journeys, I’ve witnessed vast realms of dominion, most commonly referred to as ‘Hell’ or the Hell Realms in many if not all, religious and cultural traditions.
I know I know, there’s so much weird conditioning around this concept, it’s easy to just switch off based on all the dogmatic and fear based indoctrinations many of us have had to endure in our earlier years. However, this being said – my experience is there are indeed incredible, nearly unlimited realities of consciousness that are extremely hellish in every imaginable way - and some you simply can’t. These are worlds created to do exactly what they do and profoundly enough, serve a higher purpose as well

No, they aren’t of the commonly depicted images, where red devils in horns and huge pitchforks are standing guard over the poor unfortunates who, sentenced to suffer for all eternity, toast away in the searing flames of retribution, all because they messed up so bad while alive. In fact, the whole perception of ‘being sentenced’ by an outer authority - like God - is totally incorrect, or rather the belief that another holds ultimate judgment over us, certainly is. 

Yes, there is ‘life review’ after we die, leave our body and pass over to the Spirit worlds. We do sit before a counsel of advisers, actually our higher team of Spiritual consultants if you will, that watch with us as we review our recent life. These Beings are always with us as a more evolved part of us, although have little direct influence as we go about our Earthly lives. They simply witness (as if that’s such a simple thing to do) and in colloquial terms, hold space as we go about our business of evolving in human form, moving along on our Spiritual journeys.

Whatever sentencing we receive is done by ourselves, our own Souls. We decide our next course of action, our next form of experience that serves our sense of what’s required or requested of us in our own evolutionary process Home. In short: we as Souls chose where we go next to fulfill our individual and collective destinies. No hand holds the reins over us and thereby determines our path. Only we do

That being said, if upon review, we deem our previous life’s choices and behaviors extreme enough (ie. painful to life – to ourselves or others), we can direct our next 'life' (with approval of our council of advisers) to be in places that admonish with relative to extreme severity and intention of purging us of our perceived misdoings. Yes, it sure looks a lot like punishment, because to be sure, some Souls feel they need drastic measures to scrub themselves clean.

And for some Souls, they really do. In the ever turning karmic wheel, balancing the endless emanations of cause and effect, our actions do have immediate and continued impact. What we do really does matter and touches others in ways we can hardly imagine. This goes especially so for ourselves – we are intimately impacted by how we act and in many ways, would be very surprised and perhaps shocked to know how we affect others.

In the moments after we look back upon our last life's Earth actions, we send our Souls onto the next experience we feel will clear our slate (if enough bad shit has taken place), allowing us to progress on our way. These Hell realm realities are places our conscious and unconscious collective has created to welcome us to our redemption or what we believe will help heal and deliver us to our ultimate liberation. These places are absolutely real, if only because we feel we need them to help transform us back to a closer fit of our Soul's original, pristine nature.

Get it? The Underworlds are self-imposed experiences we hope will help us work out our salvation, not as commonly believed, places we are sentenced to suffer, having been judged by a malevolent, rueful god. In this regard, we are always masters of our individual providence and largely end up where we decide to go. Just like in this Earth School classroom we call our lives. Just because we leave our bodies doesn't mean we stop being real.

To take up the story of how I was invited into these realms in the first place, all while sitting long hours on this last meditation retreat ~ where I was thereby instructed to locate my dead cousin Beth ~ I immediately noticed a guide had appeared by my side, requesting to take me to her as well as coach me in the ways of this unusual endeavor being asked of me. In effect, I was being tutored to work ongoingly in this capacity as a releaser and liberator of Souls, long held in these otherworldly and often isolated states of purgatory and perdition.

Very much like a virtual version in those sci-fi movies that take the viewer into deeper levels in the Earth, traveling into and through subterranean passages, passing through the various layers of planetary, substrata matter. Except these Underworld places are very to really, really funky. In fact, just plain nasty! Whatever you can possibly envision, it looks like this – after all, these realities are the product of our collective imaginations, long having been fed throughout history by countless individuals and their ancient cultural beliefs.

After setting our intention to go to my cousin and passing through various bizarre scenes too complicated to describe, we arrived at Beth’s side. What I saw was that she (actually her Soul though still contained in a human like image or form) was suspended vertically in a crystalline, glass or filament-like web of sorts. She was utterly quiet, held in a state of profound stillness. She wasn’t suffering, rather hovering in place in a completely insulated, isolated and protected state.

There was a slight glimmer of recognition between us, a tiny indication of my presence in her energy field … from my mind came the sentence: it’s now time to move on Beth, it’s time to come back Home … we didn’t speak or dialog as much as exchange impressions … when she responded - I’m not ready yet - I feel too sad~fragile~wounded~vulnerable … I looked to my side and my guide, nodding it’s head, indicating me to speak saying as before: it’s time to move on dear Heart and leave this place now … slowly she realized the implication of this, comprehending her time had indeed come to progress on, leaving this state of void-like nothingness behind … as soon as she accepted this, she was surrounded by her Spirit helpers. They in turn, brought her out of the suspended state, guiding her onto her next ‘station’ for her continued healing.

We were taken to what appeared like an infirmary, where she was placed in a healing pod or capsule of Light. She was surrounded in moving energy fluids that soothed her Spiritual tissues (describing all this gets a bit tricky …) beginning to draw out the deeply embedded pain long held within her. She lay horizontal, placed in a setting that was incredibly peaceful and serene, allowing her to reconfigure back into a state of wholeness once again. The wounding in her was considerable, especially in her yoni and Heart areas.

I was instructed just to observe and pay attention to the process of energetic rehabilitation underway. I was told I could come back to visit her from time to time, however, my work was complete and I could go on my way. After leaving Beth, I wanted to reconnect with my mother’s presence again and instantly, was by her side. When I looked into her fathomless eyes, I heard: you have to go see George now - he being her eldest brother and Beth’s father in her last life. My mother was very insistent in her request, so off my guide and I went ... 

I immediately thought - Wow - this is really getting interesting! My guide and I went into a very different environment, coming to a location that by no means felt anything like Beth’s previous web-like resting place. His situation was located in the very dark terminal zone for Souls who (felt they) really fucked up, big time. There was a thick, clinging loathful heaviness to this place that bespoke of horrific crimes against the very basic decency of humanity.

I found my uncle’s Spirit residing in honeycomb like cage, held in an enormous series of intertwining dwellings, all in successive rows upon rows … obviously a place where a lot of beings sought seclusion in their suffering and pain. It was like a reject cell block from Dante’s inferno, all seething with the undercurrent of immense regret, guilt and shame.

Upon locating his self-created domicile, I called into George saying: it’s time to leave this place; it’s time to move on now. The wail of his Spirit attesting to not having suffered enough was like opening a closed car left out in the Sun where 10 people inside had been farting for hours. It was a blast furnace of remorse, a wave of grief that was beyond breathtaking …

I realized just being present in my role of ally and guide, while resonating in compassion and benevolence shifted the energy of this hellish situation and allowed my uncle’s Spirit to begin the task of leaving his cell. As soon as he made the decision to release himself, he too was surrounded by guardian Spirits and taken to yet another station where he was incubated in a container or pod of Light.

Interestingly enough, he was held upright, vertical in position. There was a more serious quality to his reconfiguration and watched over with focused intent and purpose. I spoke with him, reassuring that all was well and he would be secluded here for a while … he understood the circumstances and humbly and sincerely thanked me.

How to frame any of this, I mean really? As I witnessed all this unfolding, I saw many things inside me or rather scenes I was present in - from very different settings in not only lands but times far distant and removed. Like watching a movie where I, the primary character was performing a unique task well trained and seasoned for, had agreed to step into and perform a service that I am asked to continue doing.

Tracing back to my studies with Osiris during my training in Sedona in '97, I believe my present life involvement with this particular archetype speaks of the importance of his significance and abilities relevant to my own. Having had a fair number of major life-shifts, strong shamanic style over the years, I’ve come to rest more and more in knowing in not knowing though believing, like the tarot’s Fool,                                        
as long as I trust ~





I was asked if I would willingly continue this appointed service and readily agreed. I was then given the opportunity to identify anyone else in my life I would like to attend to and a very dear old friend from high school came to mind. Allan had been my best friend back then and a number of years later had killed himself, eating a 12 gauge, blowing his head off ... and that's a story for another time ~ 

... to be continued ...

PS I am offering my Heart Tantra session work here in the NY area for all those interested in experiencing and receiving world-class bodywork and Advanced Energy Healing. I also read The Akashic Records and as writen here, do Soul recovery work as well. Please consult my web site heartantra.com and The Attunement Session for more info on my services.

PPS If you felt moved, inspired, touched, supported, annoyed, or anything else after reading this post, please let me know. I really do appreciate your comments and feedback. It’s easy and only takes a minute.  Click on 'comments' or 'no comments' below. Also, if you feel inspired to share this with another, please do so!

Thank You!

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