Thursday, April 4, 2013

Your YOUniverse

Within us all, lives our Soul. Regardless of any and all particulars of definition – sex, size, shape, attitudes and circumstances, on every and all levels – you name it, exists our eternal, essential Spirit, our Soul. Our Self. Isn’t this the basis of our understanding as individual sparks of The Beloved … Who we are, where we come from and what we’re doing, living here on Earth. Without this understanding, we’re simply physical forms containing a central nervous system, encased in a mass of cells somehow working all together as a functioning unit, called our human body.
Regardless of the myriad differences amongst us, we all share this in common. The whole premise regarding ‘we are One’ comes from this immutable fact. We just IS. And yet, by golly – we are all so very different! A quick scan on the rush hour, subway platform surely confirms this. In this respect, I’ve come to think of NYC as the great circus of humanity, with all us animals out walking about, except a whole bunch appear to still be living, trapped in their cages, wishing to get free.

Well anyway, some of us are. Of course, a fair percentage don’t even know they’re being held captive, locked behind their cages or walls or invisible barriers – all, profoundly enough, by their own making and design. Like the big cats at the zoo, endlessly pacing in the confined spaces of their constructed realities or resigned apathetically to their fate, I have to wonder - is this all there is!?

Is it really our fate to remain enclosed and so limited in our freedom of movement, let alone consciousness? I don’t believe so, at least I certainly hope not. This brings us back to the existence of our Soul and Its journey, if not over lighting purpose … what is It here for, after all? A question asked perhaps as long as we’ve been in form, when those with more inquisitive perceptions tapped into a very different level of experiential understanding of themselves and their reality.

Being born into a male body (this life), has narrowed my personal viewfinder appreciably. My subjective field of vision has been greatly determined by this and many other factors, all conditions overlaid upon my Soul upon birth, all defining me as a human, a person and yes, as a man. This is my personal Younivese (has a better ring to it than ‘Meniverse’ don’t you think?) This is where I happen to live as do you, in your own version of the same.

But this is not What I am. I Am a Spirit having a Human experience, not the other way around - a human having a Spiritual one. I get this and have been spending much of my life and all of my conscious one, seeking to embody this eternal truth. And so it is for many of us, here and now, alive on Earth. 

To dovetail on the whole cosmic, (as in The Cosmos - no, not the magazine), Turning Of The Ages underway in a Universe near you, it’s really taking place in the Youniverse in you. As you. In fact, through you. But really, who can say?  I mean, I gotta wonder (especially jammed in an early morning subway car), is this all a huge hoax, perpetrated by who knows who, all for what end, I have to ask ...

It sometimes feels like I’m standing on deck a small sailboat, rolling in heavy seas, pitching too and fro, with no steady surface underneath my feet, having to, yes you got it – go with the flow. It gets to the point, hopefully, where the shifting balance becomes the norm and I no longer fight to find my equilibrium in the chaos. In order to not puke green goo and wish I were dead, I had better get my rhythm in the churning mix of the moment. I'd better get my stable and secure footing if I want to survive this passage.

Just so. In the times we choose, (dare I say, contracted, if not agreed) to show up now on this planet, the rules have changed considerably since our parent’s time. Thank Almighty for their strength and salt of the earth fortitude in delivering us here. With all due respect, to reflect on Clint Eastwood’s appraisal of this country’s current gene pool, the ‘pussy generation’ wouldn’t have fared nearly so well fighting the bad guys off on foreign soil to secure our freedom. Not likely, to say the very least.

No, not in any way a war hawk am I, although like Krishna to Arjuna, sometime you have to fight to do the right thing. If the invading hoards are coming through your door, (Clint’s words) you better get ‘mad dog mean’ and hope to kick some serious ass in the process.

However rough the parallel, in order to evolve as painlessly as possible in these most uncertain times, we’d all better get back in touch to why we’re here in the first place. To evolve and come Home. (And you wondered where I was going with all this.) This again, is our segue to Why We Are Here, our Souls, I mean. Having a philosophically inquisitive bent, most all my life, certainly more so since I was introduced to mediation at the ripe age of 13, I’ve often asked myself this very question … and thank goodness, I’m not the only one.

However the pathways have led me here to NYC, a place I left over 25 yrs ago, never ever planning (or wanting) to return to live again, I’ve come to understand it’s to do exactly what I’m doing. Having been well groomed to bring out the Awakening Sacred Masculine info, to touch and impact women and men alike, is in part, what I Am here to do – strike that – here to Be.

I believe we all have our Soul themes to potentially engender and express, however, only after experiencing them come alive in us first. Believe me, this is one mega, huge ass tall order, let me say. First attracted to this material over 15 yrs ago while living, working and training in Sedona, I was captivated and entranced by the promise of this potential and yet, looking back over the ensuing years since, there’ve been a great many times I wished I’d never heard of this business in the first place.
Like agreeing to run a marathon, all a’ flutter with the guarantee of triumph and praise, buzzed up in a bar the night before, only to brutally hit the wall at the bottom of Heartbreak Hill, it’s been both the carrot and riding crop pushing me on … Not to mope mind you, though I've often felt like I was the lone marcher, holding one of those big Macy's Day Parade balloons, walking against the  wind, trying to anchor this current here on Earth.

Sure sounds kinda grandiosely melodramatic, if not a bit megalomaniacal, doesn’t it? Much of the considerable strain on the seams of my ego’s nonsense and pride, has been the feeling that on some Soul level, I’d agreed to do just this. In the micro/macro of the Awakening process, (not being able to speak so assuredly for anyone else), the only way I can positively impact life around me, is by first doing so for myself. This, I’ve come to believe is my Souls contract in a nut shell. 

In this way, picture this, it’s felt like I’m a deep sea diver going down into the dungeon sediment pits of my pain body to set a depth charge of consciousness – all to transform these deposits of my/our accumulated suffering and pain. Knowing we can only positively change a painful pattern while first being in it and then making a completely new proactive decision, this has been the hidden fine print on the deal of the Awakening contract in my life.

This last relationship dance I recently stumbled through is a perfect case in point. Having long thought I was well past the drama/trauma I created in my self as a result, it’s humbled me considerably to see I hadn’t gotten the lumpy crumbs off the lapel of my ego after all. The drama loops I sent myself on were, as always, exhausting and discouraging. And not only for me ...

Like getting stripped down to size, felling all fucked up and flustered, my only respite was to get back to basics. As a result, I’ve had to do a near constant reframe and pivot to put it all in perspective - for me, I had to find my reason for being here. I had to realign with my Soul’ purpose and recognize the impeccably of this particular outcome and all the experiences of my life in forcing me to my destiny.

The Awakened Sacred Masculine chooses to see all moments and events in their lives as the doorway to fulfill their Soul’s purpose.  Especially, let it be noted, when the experience really sucks.

… to be continued …

PS If you felt moved, inspired, touched, supported, annoyed, or anything else after reading this post, please let me know. I really do appreciate your comments and feedback. It’s easy and only takes a minute.  Click on 'comments' or 'no comments' below. Also, if you feel inspired to share this with another, please do so!

Thank You.

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