Thursday, April 18, 2013

Boston Blasted

There are no words … absolutely none that can possibly speak suitably to the bombing tragedy in Boston on Monday afternoon. Our continued prayers go to those injured and all the families who’ve lost Loved ones there. It is beyond my imagination or comprehension as to the vast enormity of pain they must be feeling on this day from the loss of life and the suffering left in its wake.
And then you have the remaining survivors who’ve been irreparably scared and damaged by his atrocity, both physically and emotionally and all the rest – there is just no way to put this into perspective that makes any sense at all. Absolutely none. The unpardonable offense and responsibility of those who conceived and directed this violent assault is utterly indefensible and those accountable will no doubt be hunted down and punished with extreme prejudice.

In the words of OBam, may the full weight of justice fall on whoever did this. And yet, there is the other side of the sword playing out here, perhaps even the higher ground offered in this profoundly significant event. Along with the healing now underway in Boston and throughout the country, what of the illness in those who perpetrated this horror? I believe, this is the deeper question that needs to be asked at this time.

To have this happen on American soil – again – is such a Heartbreak. To have this happen anywhere to anyone, at any time, is no less meaningful or significant. As a sign of the times we live in, this moment in our lives speaks to witnessing the increasing degree of chaos escalating and running more rampant upon our planet now. Whether the end or beginning times, we're all right in it.

With the continued outbreaks of senseless violence occurring not only in our country but all over the world, the effects and toll taken in the innocent victims killed and their respective families and communities affected, cannot possibly be measured. The motivation and impulse to do such a heinous act of blind destruction is simply beyond the basic comprehension or understanding of any conscious mind or compassionate Heart.

When I first heard that the Boston Marathon had been bombed, I immediately thought – not again, please not again. I was immediately taken back to that fateful, history changing event of 9/11 and quickly remembered the fervor generated in its aftermath. As you recall, it was like a huge forest fire blazing out of control, sweeping through the country, igniting the outcry, anger and rage of nearly everyone who heard the news.

As typical, the various media outlets kept the horrific visuals active and prominently in view in all the news feeds, showing over and over again the Twin Towers burning to the ground. Like the continuous, carrion feeding frenzy we’ve come to accept as normal at a time like this (in part, directly resulting from that very event) we were inundated with the images of this nightmare 24/7 for weeks and months and even years afterwards.

As we’ve all come to know since 9/11 happened, all of our lives were forever changed because of this episode – this pivotal episode of terrorism against humanity. This historic event irreparably tore the fabric of our nation's security and safety, leaving us all feeling woefully more vulnerable and afraid. Humanities global mass consciousness was seared completely to the bone from the imprints of the abject sorrow and suffering of those directly affected, along with the tremendous individual and collective outrage triggered by this attack. 

It was like a pipeline drilled directly into our vast, hidden reservoirs of fear, anger and rage suddenly erupted on the world stage, exposing this country’s vulnerability for the first time in our history. In the States, the outcry swelled to epic proportions and like draining an immense toxic swamp or bog, it just kept on gushing and pouring through our collective consciousness, stirring up even deeper sentiments of retaliation, retribution and revenge.

Pain begets pain, revenge begets revenge and endlessly the beat goes on and on - forever in the old paradigm ways of the world. As we view this event within the larger picture perspective, we’re deep in the crease of The Turning Of The Ages. In this regard, it’s been forecast that the years between 2012 – 2015 will be characterized as the required breakdown phase marked by chaos, violence and destruction.

These catalytic forces are recognized as regrettably necessary to help dissolve the old structures and systems of control, domination and manipulation, all expressions of the misuse of will and abuse of power of the old paradigm masculine mentality. Now is indeed the time to shift all this. However, as we continue moving through the revolution of evolution portal gaining momentum upon the Earth, the flip side here, the dark underbelly of our collective unconscious pain body needs to be addressed in very different ways as well. 

As well we should focus our collective healing energy on those unfortunate ones who’ve been so painfully inflicted and affected, suffering at the hands of the sickness in the madmen or women who did this horrific crime. But what of the very sickness itself – what will we do that will make any significant difference in healing this now?

I vividly remember the first televised public speech Prez W Bush gave following 9/11. Every other sentence seemed to further ignite the nationalistic fervor of the members of congress who kept standing and wildly applauding the president. It was amazing to see the call to action and war time support spilling off the TV screen, touching the other people watching with me at the time – none of whom had ever seen this intense a display of American patriotism before. It was startling and shocking seeing our politicians  whipped into a froth, all for 'the war against terrorism.'

I remember hearing W go on and on about ‘God Bless America!’ Each and every time he used that verbal catch phrase, the audience exploded, standing to their feet, cheering and clapping like crazy. It dawned on me, this clearly was not going to be a smooth ride for anyone not perceived to be ‘American’ through and through. And then it hit me: it’s great for God to be Blessing us American’s but what about the terrorists? Who's gonna Bless them?

What about the miserable bastards who were driven so far to actually employ such destructive means to get our full attention, here on home soil and throughout the world? What of the sick fucks who, however their interpretation of their religious texts, would have to live with the weight of their actions, either in this life or the next? Who’s praying for them, I wondered?

In no way is there even the smallest iota of permissible defense for this or any other crime against innocent civilian bystanders. We all have to answer for our deeds and indeed, the full weight of justice is due these people who glory in another's suffering. So be it. And yet, isn’t this how we humans have typically dealt with our own energetic and emotional Shadow pain – by blaming, shaming, hiding, fighting and stuffing this part of ourselves away? Out of sight, out of mind - and look where this got us?

As we’ve now come to know, the more you stuff your suffering and pain, the more momentum your pain gathers, never really ever going away, only festering to erupt in violent behaviors or a serious illness as a result. Energy is neither created or destroyed and bad or negative energy only builds into worse. You’d think we’d got this by now. Not.

Whatever this whole 2012 Mayan calendar, Turning of The Ages shift is all about, isn’t it about embodying the ‘higher dimensional energies’ more and more? Like Love, forgiveness, compassion and the willingness to go to the depths of our suffering and embrace it all back to God? Isn’t this what so many of us have invested in within ourselves and our own lives?

It’s much easier doing this in church or meditation class or our prayer time but what of the moments we ourselves are the victims, either directly or indirect – what are we to do then, I wonder? From an altruistic point of view, are we not instructed to strive to be more like Jesus by our religious authorities on high? When push comes to pain, what do we do to follow through from His example?

In this respect, what would He do in this same situation and simply put folks - what got His street cred so high in the first place? He Loved at all costs. Even at the expense of His own life.  Whatever your personal beliefs, whether this man was a mythological symbol or an actual historical figure who ignited a world changing Spiritual movement, He set the precedent that raised the bar exponentially for all of us.

In the larger context here and what the consciousness pioneers of us have found out, often the hard way in Earth School’s Boot Camp, is only by Loving can we heal our pain away. What we resist, persists, it’s this simple. Yes, we have the bombs, technology and man power to send wherever we choose, all to combat perceived evil, however, whomever ‘they’ are, they too have endless numbers willing and wanting to die for either Allah or for their own selfish causes or reasons. 

There is no foreseeable end to the eye for an eye mentality to seeking justice, let alone healing our ills. The blood feuds have and will go on forever until there’s no one left standing, if we don’t do some drastic rethinking of how we meet our individual and collective pain and suffering. I believe we’re gonna have to get real 5th dimensional to pull this one off ...

Again, I don’t advocate leniency towards those responsible in the Boston attack but we surely have to do something different to create different results now. However we attend to the aftershocks of Boston, nationally and internationally, what strategy will we now implement that will forever shift the tide of our individual and global pain body? 

In this regard, what have we actually learned from past history that will make a significant difference within ourselves and upon our planet now? I have the sinking feeling that unless we do, the avalanche of insanity will only increase. 

... to be continued ..

PS I am offering my Heart Tantra session work here in the NY area for all those interested in experiencing and receiving world-class bodywork and Advanced Energy Healing. Please consult my web site and The Attunement Session for more info on my services.

PPS If you felt moved, inspired, touched, supported, annoyed, or anything else after reading this post, please let me know. I really do appreciate your comments and feedback. It’s easy and only takes a minute.  Click on 'comments' or 'no comments' below. Also, if you feel inspired to share this with another, please do so!

Thank You!


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