Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wingin’ In The Undertow

As we slip and slide along into March, all doing our best to either find our old rhythm or establish a new one, doesn’t it oftentimes feel like you’re just going through the motions? Trying to dance along to a haunting melody you can’t quite place, can make you feel slightly out of step. It’s not that the tenor or tone is so noticeably different than this time last year and yet, something has certainly changed. And no one I know can really put their finger on it exactly. I imagine it’s as if we’re all hearing a radically new sound or  unregistered note, not quite able to identify it and not able to deny it either …

Our energy bodies are subtly beginning to move to it, however, if only unconsciously at first. Like a primal jungle beat deep from within the interior of our collective consciousness, this higher octave of awareness is taking over the rhythm section of humanity’s Big Band. Surly, there must be some noticeable effect or different quality in the air from what’s underway in this pivotal year of 2013? Humanity, supposedly never having been here before, even though we’re getting informative periodic updates from the leading channels and such, we’re all just wingin’ it, don’t you know.

Don’t kid yourself however, you do have within you all the detection devices you’ll ever need to navigate these unchartered waters. You were built, as were we all, with our own internal guidance systems intact, designed by God to bring us all back Home. In fact, it’s all preset. And yet, having no convenient external roadmaps handed down by our elders, clearly showing us the way through the forest deep, we all have to reacquaint ourselves with the control dials and gizmos on our own consciousness command bridge. 

The good news is we have been given the tools or directions to steer ourselves along. We have been provided for by our Spiritual masters and teachers, who from time immemorial have laid down the pathways to Awaken. Even though we’ve advanced, technology speaking, well beyond the imaginable horizon, as Beings of Light, we remain essentially the same. This is the good news. In this respect, we are already Home because as Self we never left … the hard line news is, our ego personalities (as always), still has to do the required things that bring us Here & Now within ourselves, each and every day.

The slack is now out of the rope and the catch up has caught up to us. For me, I find my life, rich with relationship themes all a’ ripe and ready (isn’t this one of the primary planetary Life School topics for humanity his year?), is chock full with what feels like, a full curriculum course load and then some. My girlfriend Mel is a great many things, none of which is mild, staid or boring in the least. She has that hot Irish fire which is great when backed up against the wall and real challenging when she has her mind set on a thing that doesn’t for the life of me, make any sense. It sometimes feels like playing tug of Love with the Tasmanian Diva.

I know I know … from the women out there who’ve been held painfully in check by the men in your lives, never given encouragement or support, it’s easy to ride the bandwagon of ‘let’s keep throwing gasoline on the burning blaze of awakening womanhood.’ And yes, this is a necessary step in claiming your sovereignty and autonomy and yet, trying to co-create a conscious relationship with a newly minted and head strong Woman of Awakening can feel like a full time job, let me say.

You think it’s all smooth and easy being in relationship with a chick like this!? Not. It’s a give and take kind of thing, this conscious relationship business. One that one hand, men have indeed long carried the weight of the misaligned forces of control, domination and destruction on the planet. With good reason from the 3D perspective, both for and against this being so. And although the relationship paradigm is changing so dramatically for all of us on Earth, again with no blueprint in stock to go by, men are still expected to hold space for the women in our lives. And who’s holding space for us in this, I am often left to wonder?

Mel recently passed on a timely Internet article – To change the planet, Love a man – I believe interestingly enough, written by a woman. Sounds good and yet, ain’t no one giving anyone else permission to awaken now. We all have to be the go-to guy (or gal) for our own selves here. The Awakening Sacred Masculine always steers their consciousness by their own Higher Self alignment’s wisdom and insight. Especially when challenged by external situations, people and events. In my case, regarding my relationship with Mel.

You think you ladies are blazing the trail all alone and in many ways have, however, how about the men in your lives? How do we suddenly come to not just allow but encourage you the freedom to find and express yourselves while trying to find ours at the same time? Just because we’ve historically ruled the roost thus far (and making a fine mess of it, thank you very much) do you think we have a clue as to what to do now? In this respect, we’re very much alike, don’t you see? We’re all just wingin’ it as best we can.

The thing we all do when faced with uncertainty and resulting stress is the same thing we’ve always done. We revert back to our old comfort zone patterns of protection and defense. We hunker down into our familiars, whether old behaviors, people in our lives or physical or metaphoric spaces we retreat back in to lick our wounds and recover enough to get back into the mix. 

As the undertow of what’s unfolding on this planet continues to increase in force, how will you meet these ongoing opportunities in your life to consciously and willingly evolve. When pushed up against your previous preferences, will you react in fear or respond in Love … and don’t all the old rules and dance steps need to be upgraded as well to better fit the cosmic tune being broadcast now? I have the sneaky suspicion, we will all have to come up with the answers ourselves …

…to be continued …

We all need appropriate allies and guides along our way, those who have chosen to face and navigate the uncharted territory inside ourselves and have made it successfully thus far. In the quickly changing energetic environs of your lives, it’s easy to get disoriented and feel lost and alone. This is natural though not necessary to remain in for very long. I can help you feel more comfortable in your own journey of self empowerment and mastery.

PS If you felt moved, inspired, touched, supported, annoyed, or anything else after reading this post, please let me know. I really do appreciate your comments and feedback. It’s easy and only takes a minute.  Click on 'comments' or 'no comments' below. Also, if you feel inspired to share this with another, please do so!
Thank You.

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