Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a man in these times, trying to get our baring amidst the spin, swirl and confusion of modern life? Without a Brotherhood to rely on to lend encouragement and support, most often stuck in our old paradigm beliefs and behaviors, we are searching for direction without hardly a roadmap… except of course, what’s readily available in all of us – our Hearts. And for us all, herein lives our salvation, don’t you know.
This is the grand conundrum for us men. How can a man get into his Heartspace without feeling the backlog of emotions he’s never allowed himself to really access, let alone feel - and if that doesn’t discourage him beyond all possibility of hope, to actually transform and heal the deep wounds we feel?
The irony for men is the answer lives much closer – and deeper than we think. (Pun intended.) No, not from the masculine parts we’ve come to associate and identify with all these lifetimes but from the other side of the tracks, ie. the opposite half of our Whole self. For most men this locale is the run down section of town, long ignored and disregarded and yet, here lives our solace and liberation.
It’s in the feminine force and consciousness within where we will learn to identify, face and in time, embrace to transform the immensity of emotional baggage we've been holding on to or rather, that’s been holding onto us for about as long as we can possibly remember. Here lives all these wonders – and more, all contained in your own personal Yoniverse, living in you.
To get here just takes getting really present in our bodies and alive in our Heartspace. Sounds easy but not so for most men. On the whole, women have such an easier time of this than we do. By virtue of having a menstruation cycle that biologically defines you as women, it roots you in your bodies in, from what I’ve observed all my adult life, a way that men haven’t a clue. By virtue of you having to feel the internal hormonal currents moving so strongly through and flowing out of you on a regular basis (this alone already sounds way too intense), gives you an intimate and visceral understanding of what being present in your bodies is all about.
We on the other hand, are experts in not feeling our feelings. We’ve largely directed our energies towards external pursuits, endeavoring to define ourselves primarily by what we do and accomplish out in the world. Does this accurately characterize, in general so far, the masculine mass consciousness archetype, for good or worse? It certainly isn't the most exalted expression of what we’re capable of - yet - but it’s what we have to work from. Sorry to take so long ...
As a fairly well balanced guy, having trained at length with strong, conscious women teachers and healing mentors, over time developing my intuitive gifts and awareness of my feminine nature, I always have to keep checking in just to keep the communication channels open. It’s like the more I know, the more I have to do just to stay even. The down side is, no longer can I disregard my feelings just because they feel ‘bad’ though I genuinely miss the moments when I could. My addiction self just Loved those daze.
Ignorance may be bliss to some, though currently on the planet, prolonged ignorance will get you left behind. It feels like the boat is slowly pulling away from the dock, with the distance widening more and more from shore. To miss this passage would be a real bummer. However you calculate the timelines involved, we’re talking about hugely significant lengths of time. Massive, in fact. In this respect, who knows when the next shuttle service will come around offering such acceleration in our Soul’s development.
From whatever I’ve been able to gleam from the ongoing downloads and intuitive insightful hits these Turning Of The Ages times are all about, is that yes, something all together new is touching our Earth. Whether unprecedented as they say, it is a whole new ballgame starting up. The pitching is live with real hard balls thrown yet the good news is, we all have our chance to take our swings.
It really is a big time deal, what’s going on now. For all of us to shift more smoothly to accommodate the incoming Juice, we'll have to tap into our abilities to let go of whatever constricts us, on every level, all to keep expanding to hold more Light/Lifeforce flooding in. I've come to believe all our various pains, issues, wounds and hurtful reactions, long held in private reserve, will have to transform and lighten considerably for us to continue moving along if not keep living, period.
However you define the more ‘feminine qualities’ in women and men alike - those associated with receptivity, compassion, nurturance, humility and forgiveness, all come to mind. Each one of these is a doorway we can heal through. These energies in fact, are the magic and alchemical elixirs that can support and allow a man to enter into the catacombs of his sealed emotional body. To mine the ground where our Hearts have been buried, we will have to do this excavation work for ourselves. In this as always, we have to do it for ourselves but we can't do it alone.
Without accessing our feelings, we cannot evolve. Without doing the self-healing required, we will remain stuck in our old shit. The warehouses’ full of what we haven’t emotionally attended to only prevent us moving forward because the weight of the unresolved won’t permit it.
To graduate from Earth School and get our diplomas, the price of admission to the holy grounds are all the reflections and expressions of our ego’s woundedness and pain body’s chronic aches and pains. Like the old Egyptian's god who weighted your heart to that of a feather upon your passing, if the heft of our suffering counted more, back to Earth we went. I don't know about you but for me, over and over again.
Having recently plunged into my emotionality resulting from a recent breakup, this has suddenly quirked up yet another vista view visit into places I’d much rather not be. Oh well, upon this we can all depend - the Yoniverse conspires to force us to our destiny. I recently read that relationship is not meant for happiness but transformation. Great. And it comes at such a good time too ...
What began allowing me to move into the outer layers of my core wounds was in finding that my feelings won’t kill me but my resistance, fear and resulting anger surely will. In all stories of Awakening, that each and every one of us share, is eventually ending up where the only possible choice left is to get real present, surrender, let go and turn it all over to God/Goddess or Whatever you hold most dear.
You just gotta get out of the way. Bottom line. This capability, however, doesn’t normally live in the land of the virile, valiant and manly brave. This is more a female thing. The ability to not always resist has its pluses, really across the board on all levels of our being. To go with the flow - so clichéd out and so totally crucial, especially during a time of Awakening when a never before unreleased heightened strain of Light is being set into our individual, collective and planetary grid systems.
That I should envision the Goddess Void holding us all is my personal preference, present and alive in the amniotic fluid of her Yoniverse. In the unknowability of this Eternal Reality, lives all imaginable possibility. Here the exponential potential ever simmers away … how can I conceivably convey what it’s taken as a man to even begin to grok this concept? I can testify, it’s not been from my masculine ego's perspective, that’s for sure.
I can also attest, it hasn’t been much fun at all learning of this. The saying ‘the bigger they come, the harder they fall’ had my ego in mind when written. Ask most any guy who has an inkling of what I’m talking about, who himself has been through his hell realms, his Dark Nights of His Soul passages to rebirth and emerge out fairly unscathed - speaking of which, I sure wish I knew more of us!
If you yourself are one or know of any, please contact me. Thank you so much.
What this has taught me is it’s in my vulnerability I find my strength. No, not in the sense of my personality’s ability to handle a situation and then wimp out but from an openness born from being more Heart centered. This is the Yoniverse effect. The dance between holding on to direct a situation and letting go to have it move from a higher hand is such an art. It's the art of living Awake.
… to be continued … pt 2 to follow ...
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