Isn’t this what we’re all searching, hoping and praying for – to
be in an everlasting Grace place? I know I am. Ever since I heard my first
satsang, my first Spiritual discourse umpteen years ago, I was hooked.
Actually, I was captivated and ignited down to my toes, hearing not so much the
words, rather the resonance and deeper meanings contained in the
words spoken. Here, my Sacred began revealing Itself to me.
In this, either you
get the calling to Awaken or perhaps it lingers a bit, rebounding around your consciousness
waiting to take seed, though then again, maybe it just passes you by altogether,
delayed for another lifetime.
No worries. We all have eternity to get It, to return to our Sacred, our Grace place. But I always wonder,
why wait? Speaking from an extensive familiarity
(and a lot of past life regression
work, inner visions and visceral-rich memories), I can say, it certainly feels
like it’s taken that long already.
If an old Soul is perhaps simply a slow learner,
whatever time or distance eternally traveled in a Soul’s evolution to eventually
return Home, as in living in a state of Grace - is illusory to begin with. This
being the most basic question: how can there be such a thing as ‘time’ – past or
future – if there is only NOWNOWNOW,
endlessly unfolding as this present moment? Huh?!
That’s the paradox principle for you ...
Recently in my life, with so much in flux and oddly, not nearly enough
going on, I’ve asked myself – in my perfect world – what would I most like to be
feeling, experiencing and doing right now? Yes, a question that certainly covers
a lot of territory, though for me, ‘at the end of the day’ it inevitably comes
down to always living in a state of Grace. No matter what. The really good
stuff, the Prime Time Blessings, each and every day. One way or another, it’s
the ringer for me.
As well you know, ultimately, it’s not the things you
possess, the places you go or the company you keep, it’s the you you are, amidst
it all. If not this, it’s still bouncing around the Maya bush, expecting things
to be different, disappointed things never are.
I’ve asked myself what exactly is Grace anyway - can you say –
and to this, what are its qualities? Is it a person who loves us, a place, a time of age in
life where everything worked out just so? As I’ve spent more years consciously alive,
it’s come to represent a state of epiphany, a Blessed state of awareness that’s
always removed, above and beyond, from the present conditions at hand.
experienced it as a profound level of consciousness that’s independent from the
immediate moment. It always creates a feeling of expansiveness, space and incredible
ease. It’s a feeling of being held, protected and connected to the deeper mysteries
of my Sacred and the Divine I Am. It is The Beloved's love loving me.
Always having had a strong personality (a more socially
acceptable way of saying a big ego), it wasn’t so much about wanting something as
just wanting more – or different – or just another. Or all three at once. I really
don’t suppose this is so uncommon, after all. As an example, it’s beyond amazing
(and likelihood) that I made it out of the 80’s alive. Seriously.
Having landed
in NYC in 1980 in a hard knuckle neighborhood in a very crazy time, for year’s bartending till 4am, coming
home by noon, I remember the stagger-homes well enough. Mostly.
For anyone who didn’t live in NYC’s East Village way back then,
you have no idea. It was a big city, wild west on crack. And a whole lot more.
Anyway, to not have destroyed myself on those many long nights and fits of
expensive extremes, proves my point. Although my definition has since evolved,
those times too were Grace filled to the max. Why so?
It’s because in every cell
of my Being, I believe it’s been my Heart that’s always tipped the balance of
fate in my favor - if only because I never had the Shadow need to screw over or
take advantage of others. I was a kindly addict. And believe me, this has made
all the difference.
This is especially so considering the energetic and karmic baggage
I brought into this life. Let’s say in the illusion of time,
specifically the past, the places we’ve been, with those we’ve been with, all
those moments inevitably leave a wake of Soul memories reverberating and echoing
in us. For all concerned.
This karmic trail winds through all our lives, from
the grandest of cosmic levels to the most pedantic. However, in our daily, personal
encounters, the immediate people nearby have very likely been with us many
times before. And vise a versa.
What keeps reenacting in our primary relationships are the ongoing
choice-points playing out over and over again. Do we meet these decisive and
defining moments from a Grace place or continue reacting from our hurts,
sending the ball of karmic debt bouncing along into the next lifetime. What ends the rollercoaster ride is Grace.
I believe it’s the Grace I choose to express in how I act with others that changes, enhances and
evolves my Soul’s growth on Earth. As the saying goes: to know better, means you have to do better. Great. Up until now, that's sure been way easier said than done.
... to be continued …
You & Love To Us All ~
PS I am seeking assistance in publishing my work here and invite any and all benefactors, editors, agents and or publishers to help bring this to fruition - any ideas? Please feel free to contact me at ~ Thank You So Much ~
PS I am seeking assistance in publishing my work here and invite any and all benefactors, editors, agents and or publishers to help bring this to fruition - any ideas? Please feel free to contact me at ~ Thank You So Much ~
invite you to share these posts with anyone you feel would benefit and if you
feel inspired, to write your feedback insights through the ‘Comment’ key on
this blog. Also, please check out my work, Heart Tantra - The Attunement
Session - on my web site I offer in-person sessions here in the
NYC area and absentee or long-distance work if you don't. Always
Blessings On Your Way, Keith
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