When I first began planning this blog, I wanted to write it from the rarefied heights of profound personal attainment and obvious spiritual achievement. I sincerely wished I could communicate from a place that would let you know how special I am, worthy of your well-earned respect and praise.
But alas, this really isn't the case ... I soon realized my viewpoint wasn't from high above the learning curve, like surfing a huge wave looking elegant, majestic and oh so cool. It was rather from underneath the smooth crest, deep within the rough and tumble of the undertow. From this perspective, this blog is like seeing a wave from the inside out, it sure looks different than anything you might associate with being ‘Sacred.’
I've come to know the qualities of this awakening process from my own gut level, down and dirty understanding of what the Sacred Masculine mostly is ... not. Over my life, I've learned to do what I want to do by having done things I never want to do again. In this way, it really is a long and often challenging process of elimination. I have relentlessly played out my ego's bag of tricks, exhausted my self interests and run out of road to end up here.
It has taken the near constant pealing away of the thick built up layers of my pain body to do so. This has consistently happened over the course of my lifetime, perhaps due to a powerful intention I set for myself early on. This highly shamanic and extremely alchemical journey, like steadily burning off the base dross has in time, revealed my core Essential Self shinning through my personality nature and masculine body.
Without a doubt, I found the necessary ticket of admission into Awakening The Sacred Masculine was finally learning to identify, face and embrace all of my accumulated and undelt with pain, anger, fear, sadness, shame and blame. I have consciously and consistently called up to meet my deeply entrenched Shadow self, face to face, once and for all. However, as with most of us, this rarely looked pretty or acted very nice ... actually, quite the opposite. And those are colorful stories for another time.
This story is my personal journey as a man and the deeper understandings gained from my own dance to transform my Shadow. This I had to do to begin embodying the Sacred in my life. Speaking as a man, there is no sidestepping this point. In short: own your Shadow or it will own you. To actually desire to be clear and open enough to do this often begins the process of growth and self awareness.
To get to the Sacred Masculine in yourself, you will have to travel through your own personal Shadowlands, a necessary journey into and through all the places you are unconsciously afraid you can never make it through on your own. However, it is possible - if you want it bad enough and willing to do the necessary self healing work to create it for yourself.
In order to write this blog, I call forth the Sacred Masculine within me everyday, making the commitment to just show up as authentically as possible. I found there really is no other way to embody the Sacred Masculine than to consistently live from this deep level of personal commitment.
In offering this account, I speak from the well earned wisdom gained from the necessary passages made through my personal Shadowlands. This is where all my emotional woundedness and chronic self-worth issues have hidden away. My Shadow is where my addictions and huge reservoirs of unprocessed anger and fear flourished and lived. My often self destructive behaviors came from here as well ...
I however, am not alone in this. There are many common issues for all us men, like trail markers or sign posts that speak to the collective archetypal themes alive in most of our lives today. In fact, they're common not just the men of us but the women as well. This is the next level in men's work and the final frontier for us as all.
Nothing less will do.
I love your Blog! Let's hope it will have an impact and change men's behavior. Thank you!
I am so glad you were touched by this information. You are meant to. Please let me know how I can serve this Awakening in you - it is now time for all of us who are willing and able to step up and step into this frequency of the Sacred within ourselves, our relationships and our lives. Blessings!
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