Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Awakening The Sacred Masculine At The Turning Of The Ages cont.

From a historical perspective, the often adversarial and polarized relationship dynamics between men and women were caused by this lack of conscious integration in men. For there to be true and lasting harmony between men and women now, this split has to be healed in men.

The fundamental responsibility for men and the final frontier for everyone today is to consciously attend to and transform our own Shadows that not only contain all of our woundedness but ironically enough, the vast wellsprings of our personal power as well.

Energetically speaking, the enormous amounts of unconscious effort it requires to suppress the huge stockpiles of repressed emotional energy long held in check, could be better utilized by us being consciously productive, fulfilled and happy. If this were the case, we.would all live in a wonderfully different world.

As men, we have to embrace and create an empowered interdependency between our apparent opposite or rather, complimentary natures to become truly healthy and whole again. For us to come into balance and begin embodying our Awakened Sacred Masculine awareness, we have to create a bridge to not only access our feminine nature but embrace and nurture this essential part of our whole self. 

This is one of the primary intentions of Awakening The Sacred Masculine because only by becoming whole, will we ever be at peace.