As perhaps you can imagine, it takes great courage to finally face the very things that consistently frighten us and requires a Soul strong commitment to face and embrace the parts of ourselves we have desperately tried ignore and forever deny. After all, this is the definition of a true Hero - one who chooses to rise to the difficult occasion by pushing through his or her fear and considerable opposition to fight the good fight, save the day and hopefully, survive intact. In modern day terminology, this is the metaphoric and mythological Hero´s Quest of ancient Greek mythology.
For too long now, many men have gotten stuck and trapped in their lower natures, largely acting in self serving and egocentric abuse of power behaviors in overly controlling, assertive, and dominating ways. These attitudes and expressions all reflect our Shadow self. The unconscious Shadow drive of the masculine is the by product of age-long repressed and unprocessed anger, shame, blame, guilt and fear. As a result, the accumulated build-up and denial of our feelings and blocked emotional energy has created the overly abusive, self destructive behaviors we associate with the unawakened or unevolved masculine consciousness.
As men, these are the personal demons we always run from and as a result, relentlessly chase us. The truth is, our Shadow really does own us - until we own it. This evolutionary and alchemical transformation as explored and expressed in the Awakened Sacred Masculine only happens when we courageously challenge our deeply ingrained masculine belief systems by doing our personal growth homework. And for many of us, lots of it at that. However, there is a solution and a profoundly powerful secret in transforming our Shadow.
To do so, a man has to first come into his open Heartspace to access, embrace and completely empower his feminine nature. In fact (and how ironic is this) it is his feminine nature that will save him. Who knew?!? Only by creating a totally symbioltic interdependency with his complimentary aspects will he begin experiencing his completeness and emerge as a fully balanced and harmonious man.
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