Monday, June 17, 2013

Quick Turn Around

I wanted to do a brief share with where I’m at these days … I recently spent a most thrilling day brain storming, vision crafting and playing with my new friends and publishing coaches Jane Ashley and her husband, Scott Watrous ( We met up at their sweet home on the Connecticut shore, sharing 'quality time' working together.
The intention of our visit was to spend focused, one-on-one time laying the next steps down as to what my/our next moves are in bringing my work Soul Coach: Awaken The Sacred out as a brand. To witness how they work together distilling and streamlining the essential message of my work, combined with the specific tools to do so was really very exciting.

I feel privileged and honored to have been invited to experience the creative process so wonderfully displayed and shared. They are extremely good at what they do and a pleasure and joy to be around. If you have a desire to bring your work out, they are definitely an extremely knowledgeable and magical team to work and ally with. Thank you Jane & Scott!

My tasks to do are to compile a series of my blog posts that exemplify my message, to condense them down to fit the format we came up with and get them ready to publish via eBook later this summer. As a result, I’ve been busy sorting through and writing to complete my homework to send back for Scott’s further review. 

As an aside: being with them and hearing/seeing/feeling their vision laid out before me was truly awesome! And a bit whelming as well. Our intense time together was like the mountain top, vista overview of the potential possibilities before me now. The buzz and rush of what this looks like caught me by surprise as I came back to NYC, amidst the crush and hurry of big city life. 

Now is the time to actualize my vision and as is often the case after such an expanded experience, it’s time to do the work required to make it so. This is where I’ve been lately and I look forward to sharing a post in a few days, sharing this process.

Enjoy this week leading up the Summer Solstice early Friday morning (on the east coast).
Til soon

Only Blessings On Your Way,


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