Monday, March 25, 2013

Keeping Your Faith

When all is said and done, when a pinch has become a tight squeeze in your life leaving you feeling lost and confused, often the only relief is resting quietly in your Faith. Such a tricky and ambiguous concept, this. I too have been instructed by the outer authorities, religious and Spiritual alike, to seek to develop my Faith in God and if not in the Almighty, than in the Universe at large.

This is such a foundational belief and fundamental point of focus in nearly, if not all organized methodologies to growing your Spiritual development. Isn’t it believed that as your Faith grows, so does your relationship to the Divine? In many ways, this makes perfect sense to me because, personally speaking, this connection has only deepened my alignment with the Sacred within myself. And this is a very good thing.

In fact, it’s the only thing that matters. Of all the myriad reasons so many of us left the congregations of the religious upbringing of our youth, perhaps it's because the rituals of these dogmatic approaches to worship have become so rote and dry, void of any snap crackle pop, Heartspace-wise. After all, where is the Love!? It’s always great to have a really good choir singin’ out the hymns, lifting up the room with shared voices all joined together fervently praising your version of God … but what happens when you’re all alone, left to your own devises – what then?

As in AA when a new recruit comes forth to own their shit and sincerely express from their pain, all from a deep Heartfelt desire to recover from alcohol addiction, it can be an essential and indispensable step to getting healthy again. Good thing too and totally necessary if this is what supports and allows you to finally get the drunk monkey off your back. We all need succor in times of crisis and a supportive community to back us up and hold our best interests when we fail. 

This encouragement and assistance is required to keep us strong when we come to doubt our own inner strength. We really do need each other to make it through the storms in our lives. I knew someone who is fond of saying – we’re all just walking each other Home. In this, in part I too believe, we really do get to Heaven through each others open Hearts.

Just as training wheels on your first bike are really helpful in getting the feel of riding unassisted, eventually as you progress, you learn to ride on your own, free and clear of these rolling supports. You learn to ride on your own and off you go, flying away on two wheels. However and no fault to them,, some people never really get the hang of doing the balance thing, feet always moving with the hand eye coordination happening all at once. It can just be too much to get it going, all at the same time.

Then perhaps it’s best not to ride at all. Like taking that first drink – one is too many and about 6 or 7 too few, it’s wise not to tempt the dragon by getting on in the first place. Hey, in 80's parlance - just say no. And yet, when it comes to Faith, it’s less concrete or visceral than this. Faith is totally ephemeral in nature, more transient an impression than the blinding morning after hangover, both physically and emotionally as well. One you have go deep inside to get to, the other has sat all funky on your head, laughing at your misery.

The whole significance and belief of ‘taking a leap of Faith’ is only valuable when you can’t see where you’re going, what you’re hoping to land upon and how you’ll even fare when you do arrive, hopefully on terra firma in one piece. If you do land upright at all, that is. But that’s the point in all this, isn’t it? 

You gotta believe there will be a firm surface to land on or a welcoming hand to embrace you after you’ve committed to your jump. In this regard, surrender is a primary element in going with the flow or surfing the waves that can come crashing in on us in our lives. This too is always spoken of in all Spiritual traditions, the necessity and willingness to let go/letGod take command of your life.

Isn’t a definition of Faith believing in something that doesn’t have any obvious evidence to do so? It’s like the saying - God can only catch you when you jump – great! Now I have to blindly jump into the Void and believe in a God that’s gonna actually catch me when I do!? As we all know, this is a lot easier said than done. And yet, to really progress on our path of Awakening, we will have to relinquish our sense of control and domination in our lives. We do have to turn over and relinquish our ego's belief that it alone can make us happy and fulfill our Heart's content.

One who's had my Faith tested of late, believing in what my last Lover told me, only to have it proven false, at least by her actions, has forced me to go back to the drawing board. Getting knocked on my ass, emotionally speaking, has many intrinsic benefits, don’t you know … if nothing else, it’s giving me another opportunity to stand back up on my own two feet, all to get my center and balance, once again. Yea for this!

What this post is getting to is it’s wonderful to have Faith in something or someone ‘out there’ ie. a greater, higher power but for my bet, it’s mandatory above all else, to have Faith in myself. How can we possibly believe in something else if we don’t have an inkling of this precious commodity within ourselves to draw on as we go – and is it even possible to have trust in anything other if not alive in and for ourselves, first? I don’t think so.

Maybe it’s splitting metaphoric hairs or a matter of Spiritual semantics but it has always seemed to me, God wants us to believe in the Divinity within ourselves  more than look for It outside. Not for nothing – but it came to me years ago that that ‘God’ doesn’t want to be the object of our primary worship as much as each of Itself - as us – worshipping It in ourselves first and in each other more.

It takes the middle man out of the equation, whether the priest of guru or higher Spiritual ideal all a’glowing in the mist. Within us all, is the ever present doorway to the Sacred alive in our own Hearts. In fact, that’s the entrance way itself – your own Heart. What could be more simple or perfectly created than to have designed into our consciousness matrix the very escape route potentially leading us out of this world's illusion, all hiding within our own bodies? What a smart Being that did such a miraculous thing.

Like many if not most, my Heart has been barricaded for lifetimes behind the woundings of my painful past. The armor plated defense systems always turned away the perceived attacking threats, all to keep me safe ... except, I found myself all alone in the guard tower and in time, this became insufferable. The tension it took to remain guarded become too difficult to maintain in this life and thankfully, I asked and have done the required work to renegotiate the contract, helping dissolve the barriers. 
As in present circumstance when I misread the playing field by a good margin, I’m having to do the self-responsible thing by getting right back on the horse that threw me, if only to enliven the Sacred in my life once again. I’m having to do this for, with and in my Self, here in my body, now in the present moment. No higher power can do this for me. What a great gift the Universe is offering me in this.

Obviously, I put too much emphasis on another to provide me the connection to the Sacred Union I long for, having come to believe it is my destiny to co-create this with a female partner. This mind you, doesn’t negate my personal responsibility to endeavor to persevere within myself to make my Soul’s dream come true by first creating this Sacred connection inside of my self first… it does, however, include a willing Beloved to share this Earth walk together.

As recently displayed, some are more in line with this than others and some don’t have the capacity to engage in this way at all. Maybe it’s just not their dharma, who knows? Or at least not yet or at least not with me and I am at peace with this now. In the crunch of all this, I totally recognize the her 'out there' is merely a refection of this part in my self. I'd have to be an even bigger asshole to keep blaming anyone for my own feelings.

In this respect, all is well and fine with no judgments passed in anger either way. Just like we all have to hold our own pain, first and foremost, I believe in intimate reflection of what I’ve just experienced, we all have to develop our personal Faith first in ourselves, above all else.

I think it’s an ever blending of the material necessities with Divine providence, with the Divine always holding the final trump cards. Like the saying – it’s wise to believe in Allah but it’s smart to tie up you camel – we have to cover both bases on this Earth plane to make it all the way, safely Home.

As my pain body has been drained of its trigger charge and the emotional reactivity has stopped, I get to see how it was my choice to get back to my Spiritual basics that freed me up to feel Light once again. This alone has opened my Heart now. It was my commitment to get back in touch with my Soul Stream, alive in my Vertical Power Current, that turned the recent tide. 

Eventually, we all have to leave the safe enclave of our support meetings to venture out alone into the world. Great we always have an over lightening power watching over us but better yet to have ourselves doing the empowering in our own lives as well. It’s not for effect the saying God helps those who help themselves first has such a potent ring to it.

… to be continued …

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