Monday, March 18, 2013

Alpha Females

One of the wondrous expressions of the new energies flooding our Earth in these times, called The Turning of The Ages, is the reawakened presence of the Sacred Feminine Lifeforce or as has been popularly termed, The Goddess. Good thing too. Over the centuries, the swing arm of energetic balance between the masculine and feminine has gone way way off center. We all know this, don’t we? This observation certainly comes as no surprise.

For so long now the masculine mass consciousness has been polarized into the misuse and abuse of power mentality. Throughout recorded time, the misaligned masculine in power has been rooted in control, domination, judgment and persecution - of those who didn't conform, behave or submit to those in political, economic or military power - historically, primarily in the hands of men. Not good.

And yes, things are changing, thank goodness. This mind you, isn’t a value judgment against men in general, rather stating the obvious. However, the ‘masculine Lifeforce’ is by no means gender specific. It is not limited to us anatomically designed men. Both men and women carry masculine and feminine qualities. We are all a unique combination of each. 

Although the masculine attributes are obviously more expressive in a man, the masculine principle has to evolve in women as well. In many respects, this understanding depersonalizes the 'us vs. them' mentality, not just towards men but about men as well. The dark stigma long held and well earned slides off but not away and is in fact, shared within us all, men and women alike.

Having come up through the ranks nearly 20 yrs ago, having largely been mentored and trained by strong awakening women in Sedona AZ, I was steeped into the new Goddess tradition emerging there. As with any burgeoning movement that catches the fire of not only the imagination but the stirs the Hearts and Souls of those ignited, the energy was thick with enthusiasm and purpose.

We all knew we were on the cutting edge of something that was so much larger than us and for the few men who were brought into the fold, this was especially so. I felt unique and a bit special to be included in the rituals and ceremonies with my sisters and in effect, was being groomed to step into the role of The Sacred Masculine as a result.

It all seemed so lofty and Spiritually advanced then and I suppose for those times, it was. Needless to say, having been invited in 1997 to sit in circle with 6 other men in the first Awakening The Priest Process, (an extension of the Awakening The Priestess Process, a 9 mo. gestation journey developed by the magnificent Nicole Christine over many years down in Tucson), it certainly changed my life, in most all ways.

They were potent times when we strongly believed we were fore fronting a movement that would change the world. At the time, I was in relationship with a woman who herself felt like she road at the head of the pack in her community and at the time, she did. She owned and ran a small retreat house there, renting out rooms in her splendid home up Oak Creek Canyon, giving sessions and directing her guests to experience the splendors of that special land.

As her partner as well as an emerging awakening Priest neophyte, I was expected to attend to the needs of her house and her guests. In many ways in this respect, I was to attend to her needs as well. It was an unspoken and tacit agreement that I was there to serve The Goddess and this Presence in her as well. I believe this is a necessary step in an awakening man’s growth. It certainly felt this way to me and not just because I was told it was by the women I trained under, her included.

As most often is the case in the alchemical process of Awakening, no matter the tradition, you gotta get your ego’s ass kicked a little to a lot to make it through the eye of the needle. There’s just no way around this fact. To get clean, you’re going to get scrubbed. And I did. Ashram tradition is full of stories of the introduction phase to that monastic experience where the bigger you are on the outside, the lower you start off on work detail. Most always, you get to clean the latrines first.

For whatever reasons, I’ve always been attracted to strong, empowered women. No doubt, having had an academically and professionally accomplished spitfire of a mother contributed to this propensity. Hey, I just Love a woman who don’t take no shit! I suppose it appeals to the warrior in me, what can I say? In any case, either like attracts like or we’re always attracted to our compliment or it’s a unique combination of both.

Among Sedona’s many attributes, it surly is a portal point where higher consciousness energies enter this Earth plane. It certainly was recognized as such by the ancient Anastasia Indians of that region and indeed blatantly commercialized by the New Agers of our times as well. It has a long tradition as a place where the interdimensional frequencies flow into the Earth’s grids and if sincere, sensitive and attuned enough, you can ride the waves to higher planes of awareness.

So it comes as no surprise that the Awakening Priestess/Priest movement should have taken root there and no coincidence that I was drawn to Sedona to attend Advanced Energy Healing school in ’96. I met an incredible array of people who challenged, inspired and yes indeed, kicked my ass nearly every way possible. Many of whom were women who were riding the current of The Goddess energy, all to their credit and accomplishment.

However, I also saw how these females took on many of the not so evolved qualities of their male counterparts. On more than many occasions, they were bossy, domineering, controlling and judgmental. They sometimes acted like the biggest yank in the yard or in more colloquial terms, the biggest dick in the locker room. There was an energy of entitlement in their attitudes and a forcefulness in their behavior. More than a few times, I felt they would have made really impressive guys … in an old paradigm sense, mind you.

I get the drill. In order to know your limitations requires you step over and past them – hopefully not too far as to fall too deep into your own shit. It takes much track time to get the feel of a really powerful race car. The more horsepower under you, the more careful and aware you have to be. It just takes practice to learn your chops and as is evident with many men in history and alive today, it ain’t so easy making the turns that end you up riding high, smooth and easy, consciousness-wise.

Coming up to date: the intimate relationship I’ve been driving through these past few months has certainly tested my reserves in many ways, emotionally speaking. She, from nearly the onset, said she believed we were potential ‘Twin Flames.’ Heady stuff, this. I know I’d hoped this to be so. Like most of us, the allure of returning to our essential complimentary self is as compelling as can be. And yet, whether this is in fact true in our case is another matter altogether. I’ve come to have my doubts …

… to be continued …

 PS If you felt moved, inspired, touched, supported, annoyed, or anything else after reading this post, please let me know. I really do appreciate your comments and feedback. It’s easy and only takes a minute.  Click on 'comments' or 'no comments' below. Also, if you feel inspired to share this with another, please do so!

Thank You.

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